Simple, clear pricing. Try it risk-free for 14 days.

Enjoy every feature of LegendKeeper for one monthly price.


Maintain access to your creations, even without a subscription


  • View and export your projects
  • Collaborate in projects owned by others


Everything you need to build and share amazing worlds

$7.50/month(+ tax)

Start free trial
  • Create and edit unlimited projects
  • Unlimited wiki pages
  • Unlimited guests
  • Unlimited storage
  • Website publishing
  • Really big maps


Tailored solutions for creative teams and enterprises


Contact us
  • Custom domain
  • White-labeling
  • Handcrafted themes
  • Content gating via Patreon or other payment portals
Try the Beta

Free for 14 days. No credit card required.

LegendKeeper is the best resource out there because everything is quick and snappy and you can make things really fast.

Anto - Professional Worldbuilder, Owner of Icarus Games
Professional Worldbuilder, Owner of Icarus Games

Frequently Asked Questions

Is LegendKeeper a one-time purchase or a subscription?

  • Creating your own LegendKeeper projects requires a subscription.
  • Participating in others' projects is free.

To maintain edit access to your own LegendKeeper projects, you continue paying the monthly subscription fee.  We currently have no plans to switch to a one-time purchase model.

We believe that this pricing model, while not perfect for everyone, is the best way to ensure that our incentives align with yours. With a SaaS model, we have to earn your approval every single month. We will have no reason to hold back features for big new version releases - you will get improvements the moment they are ready. We will be able to focus all our efforts on product development without the need to devote energy to sales.

We believe this is the only sustainable way to achieve our goals with LegendKeeper and continue to provide you with a worldbuilding platform that meets the highest quality standards.

What payment methods do you accept?

LegendKeeper processes payments with Stripe - a global payments platform that processes payments for millions of businesses everyday. Stripe has PCI Level 1 security compliance, which is the highest level possible.

We currently accept the following payment methods:

Due to the nature of our business, there are certain payment methods we cannot accept at this time:

  • Manual invoicing
  • Payment methods that cannot automatically charge you every billing cycle

If you would like to request a payment method, please contact us (select the “Subscriptions & Billing” option).

Do you accept PayPal?

Not yet, but we will begin accepting PayPal soon.

What happens if my subscription lapses?

When a subscription lapses, project owners can continue to access their projects and see the contents, though they can no longer edit or create new things. You can view and export your project, and participate in others' projects for free.

Project guests can not view projects with lapsed subscriptions. Only the project creator can.

We will always ensure you can view or export your own data.

Data lock-in is completely against our values. We commit to always maintaining an export feature so that you can leave LegendKeeper at any time, regardless of your subscription status.

You own your data, not us.

Do my guests or players have to pay?

No, an unlimited number of guests can participate in your projects for free. Only the project owner needs an active subscription.

How much does LegendKeeper cost?

LegendKeeper can be purchased for a subscription fee of 9 USD per month or 90 USD per year, converted to your local currency.

Do you offer refunds?

We do not offer refunds, but we do offer a 14 day free trial for every new account.

Why is LegendKeeper in Beta?

Our vision is to make worldbuilding software that unleashes the potential of every worldbuilder. LegendKeeper is still in Beta because we believe certain features needed to fulfill that vision are still missing.

You can review our current list of features on our features page, as well as some of our plans for the future.

With that being said, we believe that the current state of LegendKeeper is polished and stable enough to provide the best quality worldbuilding app that exists today. Your subscription fee will get you continued access to the Beta, and it will continue to provide access when we launch Version 1.

We hope you will subscribe and help us shape the roadmap over the coming years.

I have other questions

We are here to answer any questions we possibly can about our approach to pricing.

Please feel free to fill out our short form (select Billing option) or ask in our #beta-discussion channel in the LegendKeeper Discord.

Try the Beta

Free for 14 days. No credit card required.

LegendKeeper is legitimately a no brainer for my creative process. No one has put all of the pieces together so elegantly, and made something as fun to build with.

Derek Rawlings - Game Master
Derek Rawlings
Game Master