Sun Elf Interactions With Other Races



Intense animosity and hatred, mortal enemies, have a history of violent conflicts and ongoing grudges.


Significant tension or distrust; no open warfare but history of conflict. Strained relationship and cooperation is rare or difficult.


Neutral or cautious relationship, some mutual respect but also wariness. Diplomacy and trade are possible but often come with conditions.


Friendly and cooperative relations, may have a history of peaceful interactions, mutual respect, or collaboration on endeavors.



🟨 Sun elves see the tallfolk as simple and undignified, often loud and annoying. While they are frequently surprised by their adaptability, most sun elves view them as lacking in sophistication and grace.

Some sun elves often feel a need to mansplain to educate tallfolk, bolstered by a sense of superiority and patronizing "savior complex".


🟧 Sun elves consider dwarves brutish and uncultured, viewing them with significant hostility due to historical wars over territory.

As the victor of these disputes and having driven the dwarves underground, the sun elven view of dwarves is often stained by a sense of superiority, disdain, and condescension.

Dark Elves

🟥 Dark elves are seen as inherently evil, for their relations to the Night Goddess who betrayed the Sun Godess and caused the Silence.

Sun elves view dark elves as mortal enemies and the embodiment of darkness and betrayal, believing it is their duty to oppose and eradicate their influence.


🟨 Sun elves are skeptical of gnomes' unorthodox magical practices but grudgingly respect their adeptness in arcane arts and their relatively longer lifespans.

Many Sun elves think gnomes are ditzy and scatterbrained, dangerously lacking focus in their magical practices.


🟨 Due to their short lifespan and stature, halflings are underestimated by sun elves, who consider them simple-minded and almost childlike.

Well-meaning sun elves often feel the need to "take care" of halflings in a patronizing manner. Some extremists view halflings as demi-human or expendable, treating them almost like animals.


Oni (Tieflings)

🟧 Oni are regarded with deep suspicion due to their connection to the Void; many sun elves are outright exclusionary towards them.

Fearing their potential for corruption and chaos, many sun elves view the oni as untrustworthy at best, and dangerous at worst.

Kobolds, Goblins, Tengu, Wildlings, Orcs, Changelings

🟧 Unless a monstrous race is a particular focus of their study, most sun elves view all such beings as a single, undifferentiated amalgamation of creatures, failing to recognize the distinct cultures, traditions, and identities.

To many sun elves, monstrous races are simply "the others"—lumped together under a broad, dismissive label.

They consider these races inferior, treating them with disdain and minimal respect. Sun elves often feel it is their duty to "manage" these races, believing them incapable of self-governance or sophistication.