The Infinity Archives

Personal Profile

Hello, and welcome to The Infinity Archives. I'm Jon, AKA Zym - your guide and Gamemaster as you traverse these unknown realms of intrigue. I'm very glad that you're here to experience what I have to offer, as I put a lot of heart into running my games!

For me, it all started about 20 years ago when I got my hands on the three core rulebooks of DnD 3rd Edition, all of which profoundly changed my perspective on where the bounds of creativity actually were. I dove head-first into the lore and the rules, eagerly wanting to play any way I could, but for a very long time (many years), I was unable to formally play or run a game due to varying circumstances, not least of which was my Catholic Mother believing that the game was "evil" and that it would "corrupt" me. Most of my creative ambitions were stifled within such an environment, and it wasn't until High School that I met a dedicated group of friends that enjoyed the game as much as I did. From there, my life changed in a profound way.

At first, I didn't act as Dungeon Master for any games, as I wasn't sure how people would receive me - the first several years of my gameplay experience involved playing as a few characters and watching my group's DM very closely in order to learn all I could about what it took to tell an intricate and immersive story. Eventually, I mustered the courage to present my first adventure to them, and since then, my passion for the game has grown exponentially.

And now, here I am, where I never thought I'd be! I'm glad my path has taken me to this place - to this game table, where the only things I can offer are a great experience and a good story!

If you enjoy your time with me, I encourage you to leave me a review on my RPG Club Profile! Your kind words would be greatly appreciated.

Style of Gamemastering

When it comes to running my games, I tend to follow three basic principles:

  1. Help tell an immersive story, being as descriptive as possible. Bring the characters to life through the many challenges presented to them and let the players tell their own story through their own actions.

  2. The Rule of Cool. For the most part, all rules found within the core rulesets they belong to apply during gameplay, with some slight modifications. I am a huge believer in the "Rule of Cool" - sometimes, in order to achieve maximum fun and excitement, you need to ignore parts of the rules.

  3. Challenge the players. Within and without combat, many obstacles and predicaments will be presented to you to keep your minds sharp. With every choice you make, a consequence will come from it, but only the sly ones can walk away unscathed...

Using these basic approaches offers up the most fun and excitement for every player at the table, including the Gamemaster.

Gaming Preferences

As a player of many tabletop roleplaying games, I've developed a few proclivities of my own when it comes to playing in other Gamemaster's campaigns.

  • Triggers/Sensitivities: Animal Abuse, Sexual Violence, Bigotry, Patriarchal Behavior


  • Pronouns: He/Him/His

  • Ideal Group Size: 4-6

  • Session Length: ~2-3 hours

  • Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

  • Diversity/Inclusion: LGBTQIA+ friendly

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