

Essentially, a Universe is a collection of rules, Skills, Traits, Powers, Gear and Tags that are tailored to the type of game you want to run.

Creating Your Universe

To start off, you can add any rules or content from official NoMaNoGe Modules or community-run Modules to your Universe. This will create a strong foundation that you can then build upon or trim from.

It is recommended to at least add the Core Module to your Universe. If you want to run a simple one-shot for new players that focuses only on roleplaying, the Core Module might be enough. If you prefer expanded functionality like combat and more tactical options for players, consider adding the Advanced Module as well.

If you have a specific setting or genre in mind for the game you want to run, check out the other Modules. Alternatively, you can start building your own rules and content from here!

Borrow versus Remix

When adding rules and content to your Universe, you can choose to Borrow or Remix it. Borrowing rules and content from other Modules or Universes adds them unchanged. When the proprietor of that Module or Universe makes any changes, those changes will automatically be applied to your game as well. This is recommended if you take from material that's still being tested, or if you trust the proprietor's vision.

Remixing on the other hand, adds a copy of those rules and content to your game. You are allowed to edit them as you see fit. This is recommended if you want more granular control over the rules and content of your game.


Whenever something is described as in-Universe, it refers to context of the fictional world your players' characters are a part of. For example: when your players want to take a Breather, it is described they have to take time in-Universe. This means that time in the fictional world passes while the characters rest up.