First-time Conductors


So you're checking out the Conductor's role for a NoMaNoGe-based game? Nice going! The Conductor is the player that leads other players through the story you share. You create or borrow a fictional world and put together rules and content for your players. Together, all of that is called a Universe.

That being said, don't be afraid to let other players in on the process! NoMaNoGe shines when everyone is chipping in to play the game the way they envision. Let your characters come up with Skills to add, Powers to use, Gear to find, and Traits to have. Let them make up factions and cultures for the world you play in. NoMaNoGe is meant to be fluid and ever-evolving. If a rule or content is taking away enjoyment from you or other players, you can always change or remove it.

It is advised to read Core Module first. There we explain the basic rules and interactions of the game. If you have, feel free to proceed!

We'll quickly run you through how to run the game as a Conductor. Then we'll show you all the possibilities of customizing your rules and content to create your very own Universe.