

NoMaNoGe stands for No Math No Genre. NoMaNoGe is a rules-light, setting-agnostic system that allows you to easily inject your own rules and content. It provides a clear-cut structure to learn the game for new players, while also encouraging them to add their own flavor to the mix.

The player who leads the game, called the Conductor, can effortlessly borrow and remix rules and content from official or community-run Modules to compile their own Universe in mere minutes.

Everything is balanced using a simple resource management system with a variety of applications. Players roll 6-sided dice on which each face has a direct effect on the game, so no finicky arithmetic is required!


New to NoMaNoGe? Check out the Core Module for basic rules and character creation. Never roleplayed before? Check out the First-time Roleplayers Module for some primers.

Game Leaders

Interested in running a game based on NoMaNoGe? Check out the First-time Conductors Module!

NoMaNoGe Principles

  • Rules-light: Core rules are less than 10 pages.

  • Genre Agnostic: Adapt rules to your own genre or setting easily.

  • No Math: No addition, subtraction or complicated statistics.

  • Official plug-and-play modules: Skills, Powers, Archetypes and extra Rules. Take only what you need without breaking the game.

  • Easy to understand rules and character creation for players.

  • Room for complex systems and subrules for game leaders.

  • Dynamically generated Player and Conductor's Guide based on your Universe. Trim out all the fat and leave only the rules and content you actually use!

  • Ever-evolving: Modules are constantly being updated and published digitally. Stay up-to-date with your favorite rules and content or stick to your preferred version forever.

  • Open-source: Both the platform and the rules can be forked and made your own. No crazy licensing issues.