

Tartufo, the Derelict City is a prominent port town on the northeast coast of the Heart Realm. It grew to be a strategic trade port because of its proximity to the Samovar Archipelago. It also houses the official headquarters of the League of Pisces.

Its construction is chaotic. Countless huts are built on tall poles against a steep cliff. The sheds are waterproof from the inside, through the use of tar and fish scales, because of the unpredictable tide that can easily submerge the lower half of the city. Sturdier buildings are excavated from the cliff wall, partially or completely subterranean. Tunnels and staircases allow you to visit any level of the city through the cliff. 

Pulleymen constantly lift boats, cargo platforms, and passengers up and down the multiple districts of the city. These pulleys create a complex web of rope and net that glues the lower shantytown together. Locals and experienced sailors tend to climb through the web unassisted

Tartufo faces the Surströmming ocean.