Seat of Ghee
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The Seat of Ghee is a monastery inhabited by the Devotees of the Hundred Precepts. The monastery hosts many buildings that support the Devotees way of life, including a bathhouse, a library, living quarters, a dining hall, praying chambers and a temple at the center. It's considered a marvel that all these buildings were constructed this high in the Bulwark Sierra, a fact that the Devotees use to support their argument on the Precepts' wisdom and authenticity.

Allegedly, the temple is built at the site where Ghee, God of Harmony etched stone tablets that held the Hundred Precepts. The temple is said to safeguard said tablets. Only the Dahisattva, spiritual leader of the Devotees is allowed inside the temple to inspect the holiest of their relics.

The current Dahisattva however has been in a trance-like meditative state for over 70 years.