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The demon Maraxiform had been terrorizing the Hoven lands for months, laying waste to the forests and blackening the once-pristine pools with its tarry blood. The people of the Hoven lived in fear, unsure of how to defeat the beast and drive it back to the depths of hell from whence it came.

Clinkz, a skilled archer and protector of the Hoven, knew he had to take action. He gathered a small group of brave warriors and set out to track down the demon.

It took days of searching, but finally they caught sight of Maraxiform in the distance. Clinkz drew his bow and let loose a volley of arrows, striking the demon's shadowy form. Enraged, Maraxiform let out a deafening roar and charged towards the group.

The battle was fierce and lasted for hours, with Clinkz and his companions fighting tooth and nail to hold their ground. Clinkz's aim was true and he struck the demon again and again, but Maraxiform seemed to shrug off the blows as if they were nothing.

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Clinkz saw an opening. The demon was distracted, its attention focused on another member of the group. Clinkz took his chance and let loose his final arrow, aiming for the demon's heart.

The arrow struck true and Maraxiform let out a final, guttural cry. As the demon's body crumpled to the ground, a burst of hellfire erupted from its form, engulfing Clinkz in its fiery embrace.

In that moment, the king-mage's spell took effect, preserving Clinkz in his dying state and granting him Life Without End. The archer was left a being of bones and rage, forever trapped in the moment of his own death, carrying hell's breath with him on his journey into eternity.

And so, Clinkz became a hero, hailed by the people of the Hoven as the one who had finally defeated the demon Maraxiform and brought peace to their lands. Though his life had been cut short, his legacy lived on, a testament to his bravery and selflessness in the face of great danger.