Wounds & Healing


The victim of a Wounding strike should open a ticket to staff to share the chat logs so staff may see what information is valid and which will not be due to the amnesia.

Your main alternative to permadeath that entails more consequences while keeping a player character alive would be our ‘Death Strike’. It is the same as ‘leaving for dead’ but with ties deeper than simply leaving a character there.

The mechanics of the Wounding Strike is to allow more creative freedom, to roleplay the dangers of being left alive (knowingly or not) and how traumatizing it can be to be left at death’s doors. It is a way to enhance stories from all parties without having to cause a permanent end... It brings more consequences and a degree of seriousness than simply leaving someone for dead the usual way; all while giving you the chance to roleplay out mental and emotional side effects with the Nostalgia.

It also gives the one using the strike an opportunity to not be swarmed by others if the victim does not recall their immediate attacker and what happened leading up to the usage of a Death Strike. It is perhaps one of the most important mechanics of this alternative and it is important to respect it.

How does it work?

Each player has 3 Strikes which could be described as strikes of luck. If you are downed and someone uses a Death Strike, you are down to ⅔ strikes; a step closer to death itself. There are only so many times a character can escape the grip of death and so, it encroaches and latches on both mental and physical aspects, creeping into a character's everyday life.

Using a Death Strike automatically makes the wound a Deadly Injury; be mindful of your emotes as they should leave leeway for the victim to survive and get away.

It also erases the previous 2 OOC hours from the victim’s memory due to the trauma and violence, which means they can forget who did such an awful thing to them; the human psyche is something mysterious that protects itself with short-term amnesia which is what happens when someone is the victim of a Death Strike. This is an important key to a Death Strike and should be respected fully; using the RR chat log to see what your character would remember from 2 hours ago.

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