Sorcerers and the Unnatural

Sorcery in Game

Much like the Age of Sorcery update brought, you will be relying on the corruption system to cast spells, up to potentially corrupt stats for your advantages as a sorcerer. Whether you choose to have the illusion spell to hide the effects of corruption will be up to your character’s path and backstory; as well as the bundles of spells available to you at character creation; to be discussed with staff as to what makes the most sense for your character, their knowledge and all that goes into making a backstory! No sorcerer can have everything unlocked and should instead make it a goal to obtain the remaining spells that would fit with their narrative.

You may corrupt your attributes to the detriment of your health and stamina if you so desire, just be wary of the overall effects. Due to the nature of sorcery within the Conan universe, sorcerers will receive an automatic gain of Nostalgia once every week, something small but to represent the usage of spells and such overtime. 

If sorcerers are found to abuse the mechanics of spells and what they can wield, they may lose their slot altogether. To be trusted as a Sorcerer is a privilege, meaning in many ways you are much more powerful than a normal human; only those we feel personally deserve to be will get to play a sorcerer.

Sorcery Out of Game

Each sorcerer will come within the game with one custom spell, under the form of an RR ability, of their choosing upon character creation. This should be discussed with staff as your application is being reviewed and approved. It needs to be something simple that can work with buffs or debuffs, timestamps and with precise and clear effects. Ex; 

I have a demonic patron that grants my character the power of illusions. My character would already know how to distract players by using an illusion to mess with them; I am thinking of something that gives a -2 debuff to their Perception for 3 OOC hours.

These types of things can be continued within the game as well, to add to your sorcerous spell bank.

Players who have sorcery can submit a ritual form for custom effects, whether to them, to another player, to the lands, etc. You will find this form under a ticket, which you fill and the staff will take a look at to assess; within that form, you will find all the information you need to submit a ritual. We are leaving the options more open ended to encourage creativity and customization for each of our sorcerer’s characters. Keep in mind that sorcery is incredibly costly and should have fitting reagents to sustain said cost.