Sorcerers and the Unnatural


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Whilst being alchemist does not mean being a priest or a sorcerer, in some nations it might be seen as sorcery and witchery. To have such mastery over primal resources and to concoct solutions that can either help or worsen someone's state is not short of magical prowess. Usually, the most civilized races will understand some basic information about why certain reagents affect someone's body but for most it still is too close to the nefarious sorcerous arts; the line is too thin to risk and witch hunts are common against the poor scholars. In more barbaric and savage nations such as the Pictish Wilderness, Kush, Darfar or Black Kingdoms, alchemists are often referred to as witch doctors, menders, witches, shamans and such- To most of these nations, an alchemist is someone who is in tune with the lands themselves, wells of knowledge or people in place of power and not to be trifled with.

Yet, appreciated or not, alchemists are often the backbones of medical prowess and the ultimate helping hand to any healer and surgeons.. Or capable of creating serious damages to not only one person but as a whole community with their intricate knowledge.

Alchemists are usually healers, potion makers and such however they can never know everything about Alchemy; each alchemist will be greatly influenced by their nation’s resources (such as plants, stones, soil, weather), faith and morals. Alchemists are inquisitive, curious souls in search to better their craft for whatever cause is close to their heart, good or bad.

You may find a form to submit creations specific to your character and their background. Use some creativity and attempt whatever you so desire; inspire yourself from the plants we find within our real world and make sure to note what each reagent offers, as well as sources for your inspiration.

Not every alchemist is the same, however. Alchemy is a science and this science comes in many shapes and form such as cosmetics, perfumes, brewing, cooking. Let this inspire you! We also reserve the right to refuse applications when we feel satisfied with the number of active alchemists.