Sorcerers and the Unnatural


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Some priests may be sorcerous, most of them will not be. Priests are not able to wield magical powers like the sorcerers themselves and to submit the same kind of rituals, however they are closer to their deity than most. Being a priest means being a character that has been indoctrinated their whole life, growing up within the tenets of their faith and whatever that may entail. They understand their Gods and preach their ways, capable of leading others down their own path to convert them. Religions and Gods in Conan are vital, being the building blocks of every society but not every character can call themselves a Priest even if their faith is strong; it is a specific path for a character story.

Whilst using the term ‘priest’ here, just remember that a ‘priest’ is someone in communication with their deities and spirits; some cultures might call it a priest while others can call it seers, druids, shamans, witch-doctor, etc. The description of it remains the same throughout the nations however its name varies. Keep that in mind! 

To be a priest, simply write your character sheet in accordance with what you wish to portray with a special mention about such; after all it should be the main aspect of your character!

You will find a ticket form in the Sorcery and the Unnatural channel on Discord if you ever have an idea, something you wish to try; perhaps plague someone with visions, nightmares, dreams… Or to read one’s past, to read omens in tea leaves, to communicate with the spirits and more! We encourage you to try, as a priest, to indulge in your backstory; while it may not always grant results (or good results), it's a story building tool.

Non-sorcerous Priests uses the RR skill Theology.

It is possible that you are called into certain storylines and events to help carry forth stories; from our Story Tellers or players alike. We also reserve the right to refuse applications when we feel satisfied with the number of active priests.