Sorcerers and the Unnatural

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“There was no life in the Abyss, save that which was incorporated in me," it tolled. "Nor was there light, nor motion, nor any sound. Only the urge behind and beyond life guided and impelled me on my upward journey, blind, insensate, inexorable. Through ages upon ages, and the changeless strata of darkness I climbed–”
-Robert E. Howard

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Within the universe of Conan, sorcery is an extremely dangerous matter to deal with; with no way around the consequences of those actions. To seek sorcerous knowledge and power is to step knowingly into an unknown, dangerous path that may as well lead you to your death. To seek such powers is to forfeit your mortality in a way, in search of the bigger picture. Whilst sorcery is up to interpretation in how ‘good’ and ‘bad’ it is, the effects are all still the same; it is a matter of choosing your cause and sticking to it.

Sorcery does not stem solely from an item found within the lands and it never occurs from ‘innate’ talents and so… To seek power is to seek sorcery, to seek everything it may entail. Even if one may find a mysterious tome, they would knowingly seek knowledge adverse the fact that this very knowledge could be their death.

To be a sorcerer means to be an individual without the sense of self-preservation nor a strong moral compass even if your aim as a sorcerer is to do ‘good’ in a general sense.

What the definition of sorcery is varies greatly from one nation to the other… But most of them, aside from a few exceptions, see sorcery and anything related to that as evil incarnate- In need of a purge or to cower underneath. To wield anything sorcerous, even if stemming from a deity or a demonic patron, means being in grave danger both from yourself and the others around you; indeed those who interact with you and know that you are a sorcerer are going to react with fear, anger or cowardice. This means, as a sorcerer, you accept that your roleplay, whilst being vital for story hooks and entertainment, will not be a very social and open one. You are the lurking threat, the one capable of great power at great costs. You wish to reach your goals, no matter what may stand in your way.. And the Gods know you will need to move aside quite a few hurdles but the rewards are oh so promising. 

Each sorcerer will be different, though certain nations will be much more aligned with the morals (or lack of) it takes to become a sorcerer, for example; the Border Kingdoms, Zamora, Hyperborea and Nemedia. In certain nations, being a sorcerer is prized and revered, for example; Stygia, Pictish Wilderness, Khitan and Darfar. Sorcery varies in its shape, form and names; a shaman, a magician, a sorcerer, a witch, a warlock, an alchemist… And with these many forms, it takes various aspects from the raising of the dead, to the rain of frogs, to the mending of wounds, to the protection from harm and even more. Each sorcerer will have their own way, greatly influenced by whatever entity granted them their powers; they can be priests much like they can be social outcasts, depending on the deity. A Setite high priest would be a sorcerer due to the nature of Stygia while a Mitran high priest would hunt down anything magical; whilst perhaps even wielding some of their own, to an extent. A pictish shaman would be revered and adored by his tribe while a Nemedian witch would be shunned and killed. 

For common characters, who are humans, being faced with a sorcerer should send shivers down to their core and shake them; giving them a very visceral reaction. Those unfamiliar with sorcery will perhaps react with anger at the defilement, bold and brave. Those who may know of sorcery and how damaging it can be, will fear them and avoid them if only to save their own hide. Some may even attack on sight, dealing with this abomination right then and there while others, if their backstory and morals align.. May seek some knowledge of their own but always beware; sorcerers are a force to meddle with! 

If players are found to react in a way that is not fitting for our server, such as not being afraid, rattled, angry or being dismissive of the sorcerer and what they can do; this can result in a strike.

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Of course, sorcery is not only a purely.. mortal matter. Some unnatural races, those who duel with humankind, are masters at sorcery, born with it and it sustains them; much like the Serpentmen or Deep Ones. These are different and will always be more powerful than their human sorcerer counterparts but have their own consequences as well.

To be an unnatural race is already a big deal but mixed within the potency of Sorcery means you are a true, viable threat to not one person but even perhaps the whole of the lands should you use these powers in a clever way; pacing yourself being the key.

It is often those races that can better hide not only their own nature but the sorcery they use unlike their human counterpart that struggle with both.. But it is these very humans that should terrify them for their resolve and lack of self-preservation might as well be the unnatural's downfall.

The matter of sorcery in unnatural will be disclosed to the concerned players and tailored to fit their overall narrative as well as the player’s intentions. To play such a thing is a privilege and a big responsibility; you would still use the same sorcery system as human sorcerers but it shall always be different.