Sorcerers and the Unnatural

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As mentioned many times within our concept and asserted by how our lore is written, to be a sorcerer / supernatural is an exclusive privilege, granted to very few people per season. We will give out these limited applications to not only the best applications but to players we trust to understand the risks of it as well as those who have a drive and thirst to create stories that will involve many. Playing anything of the sort means you might (or should) be losing your character at one point in time and that you should be capable of handling conflict and more brutal, negative stories; however understand that the reward is the deep, meaningful impact you will have. To be remembered, to be feared and perhaps revered, to impact the very lands people are on and to grow hungry with power. It is not a roleplay style that fits all and that is fine!

Our Sorcerers, combined with the very few Supernaturals, will amount between 1 and 3 each season. So you see how limited they are!

This number may change with active server population.

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  • To handle anything that may come your way when playing any sort of unnatural and sorcerous characters. People may get rattled and scared, you must display maturity in your approach and understand where they come from (you are scary after all and a threat) as well as growing a thick skin to handle some bad things that may be said to you within the game. If you are easily swayed by bad mouthing or afraid of what people may think, then this may not be for you.


  • To encourage and welcome conflict constantly. To understand that it is this very thrill that nurtures roleplay and creates more; even your character's death. You must be fearless in the way you approach your character, what they say/do and also about how other characters react to yours. If you would rather avoid conflict and problems, this may not be for you.


  • To understand your weight in the balance of power and to respect both yourself, the setting and the other players you interact with. It is to give them a chance to figuring you out or perhaps to thwart an effort but also to see when it may get overbearing for a certain person / group and to give them some leeway. You are terrifying and powerful, whether it is good or bad, best not to burn the candle from both ends and take it slow out of respect for everyone.


  • To have such an important role means you are trusted with honoring the quality it requires. Whether it be in your mastermind plans, your emotes, your way to approach certain conflict, dilemmas, relationships and friendships while in-character, you must uphold quality so that your efforts don't fall flat for everyone involved.

These are our standards for any kind of character that is not human; even more so than normally. If the staff finds you are not acting in accordance to these standards, you may be warned or forced to give up the slot.