Dealing with PD
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When engaging in a conflict rich environment, inevitably there will be an instance of permanent-death. In some cases it will be your character facing death. These situations can be hard emotionally to deal with, as often we are not in control of the situation when it results in the death of a character. It is important to remember in these times that although your character is beloved and enjoyed- it is not the main character, none of us are. Much like the real world, each life of a character is valuable and contains endless potential, but sometimes it is cut short due to unforeseen circumstances or the inevitability of conflict. Know that we at Black Colossus understand the emotions faced in these instances, and have made an effort to help smooth over the transition between characters.

Post-PD-Kits are offered to players who reroll characters after having recently been killed. These kits are offered in an effort to get a player back on their feet, and include things such as star metal tools & weaponry, a single T3 thrall of their choice(Blacksmith, Smelter, Carpenter, Armorer). 

Things to consider after being PD’d 

Take a break!

  • Taking a few days off to think and calm the nerves is often just what is needed after a stressful situation. We recommend taking 2-4 days to relax and think through new concepts, while reflecting on the good times had on your previous character and considering what aspects of the playstyle you enjoyed most. During this time away, consider occupying yourself with another game or two to take your mind off things and blow off some steam!

Have back-ups! 

  • It is encouraged to have multiple concepts ready to go for instances just as this. Having a concept waiting that you are excited to play will lessen the blow of losing a current character, where one door closes another opens!


  • Taking the time to go into single player and design new concept characters is a healthy way of planning ahead. In designing the look of your character, their outfits and gear, you might find yourself growing more excited to play them!

Write a short-story

  • We find that sitting down and writing a short story about your deceased character can be therapeutic, and an effective way of saying farewell to friends and even rivals. 

Reach out to staff

  • Staff is available and ready to discuss any issues faced, or even to spitball new ideas or concepts! We encourage you to contact us if you are feeling uneasy or unsure about a new concept, or even if you are just having a hard time coming up with something. We care very much about the setting and would be more than happy to discuss lore with you!

Steam Game Recommendations

If you find yourself too upset or disgruntled and need to take a break, here are a few free or cheaper games to be found on Steam that can help you change your mind!

Apotheon Arena

Apotheon Arena is the free online-multiplayer complement to the mythic Greek action RPG, Apotheon. Pit your skills with spear and shield against other players in brutal bronze-age combat. Battle across the statuesque arenas of Olympus, depicted with beautiful black-figure pottery artwork.

Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator

Potion Craft is an alchemist simulator where you physically interact with your tools and ingredients to brew potions. You're in full control of the whole shop: invent new recipes, attract customers and experiment to your heart's content. Just remember: the whole town is counting on you.