Thievery & Spying

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  • Any more than a two thieves constitutes a raid- even if the goal is only theft. A ticket must be raised for documentation's sake, but there is no approval necessary.

  • A player can take any of the following options during a theft:

    - A maximum of 250 of any stackable resource (bars, seeds, wood, coins etc..) in addition to 1 weapon and 1 piece of armor

    - OR up to 5 pieces of weapon/armor total

    - ONE thrall, pet, mount from a thrall-taming station or chest

  • Thieves cannot steal a thrall currently in a bench slot

  • Thieves may only steal from a single clan once every 24 hours

  • Players cannot steal from the former clan of a previous character for at least one week after a reroll

  • There are no carry limits on ‘No Owner’ buildings only

Thrall encounters while thieving

  • Followers or Thralls that are present should not be ignored by the thief, instead a stealth roll should be made should the thief cross directly in front of their line of sight. Should a roll of 12 or lower be made, the thief should leave a POI describing what the guard might have spotted such as the garments, the color of hair, male or female, size and way of entering but they may continue with the theft.

  • If a thief is attacked by a Thrall that was set to guarding the perimeter, they are immediately caught and must flee without taking anything and no PoI is needed (Unless they wish to place one down)

  • Thieves must leave at least one PoI at the scene of their theft describing what was taken and from where, as well as what clues or signs may have been left from their person (A piece of fabric, some token, some fingerprints, vague directions). If there is damage done to the containers or doors, it should be mentioned in that PoI.

    Example of a PoI

Special Items

  • There are certain items which cannot be crafted or gotten by everyday players, blocked only for admins to spawn in.

  • These items will be disclosed at the start of the season; they will not be any kind of meaningful resources BUT instead be roleplay items to create a 'thief economy'. Much like the race coins, these items should be respected as rare and valuable by every character around.

  • A description will be posted of each item and what they are, what they're worth, etc. Players should respect these rare, valuable items if only to add more depth to any kind of roleplay, to leverage for merchandise but most of all... They should leave them in places where thieves have access to.

  • These items will be randomly placed within bases or given to players throughout the season. This is to add to everyone's stories so please, have fun!


Insert Golden Statuette Icon from the Game here

Crafted by an Argossean jewelmarker of reknown, this statuette has washed up on the shores of Siptah. Its golden glisten catches the eyes of anyone that looks upon it, its craftsmanship a thing of rare and valuable beauty. The name engraved at the bottom reads 'Generic Argossean namus'; a name which is known throughout Argos and even in the nations trading with Argos. Should probably hold onto it... You could fetch a pretty penny for that!


  • Through an ability in Roleplay Redux, the characters that would boldly try to pickpocket others will have the option to do so when in the immediate vicinity of the desired target.

  • The private roll will be of the thief’s Thievery vs the victim’s Observation.

  • If successful, the victim will get a notification to surrender 1 palm-sized object of the thief’s choosing. It does not need to be an actual so much as it can be roleplay flavor. A key, a potion, a small pouch of coins (5), a hidden blade, a jewel…

  • If unsuccessful, the victim of the pickpocket attempt will automatically roll another Observation to determine whether or not they detect the attempt altogether. They must roll >12 Observation to notice someone patted them.

  • Should the pickpocket successfully steal from the victim, the victim must allow a reasonable amount of time to pass before noticing the item vanishing from their person.

  • Using the OOC knowledge (Unless properly detected via RP) of someone pickpocketing you, who they are, what they took immediately or anything useful to metagame the thief will result in a strike.

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  • A spy must roll stealth once when first entering a scene with active players.

  • When spying, players should keep logs of the RP witnessed for documentation in the form of screenshots or ToTchat log.

  • Players that are the victims of spying cannot change the range of their conversation or the conversation itself based on the OOC discovery of a spy, instead they must carry on as before unless the spy is discovered through IC means. Not following this rule will warrant a strike.

  • A spy is considered ‘discovered’ if their Stealth roll has been countered successfully by an Observation roll. Note that fellow players can choose to ignore the stealth roll and continue without rolling perception should they wish to indulge the spying character.

  • If a spy is placed in a very obvious or unhidden spot that makes it hard to ignore them even if they rolled stealth successfully, it is up to everyone in the scene to handle it IC. Using game mechanics such as camera angles will be considered metagaming; everything has to make sense from your actual IG character’s eyes.

  • Sounds of jumping, climbing, an accidental punch, rolls are not superseded by stealth / observation rolls. However, you can give the spy player a chance and ignore them should you desire. As a spy, you should be as silent as possible, as simply jumping, climbing everywhere carelessly under the pretense of spying would be considered poor storytelling and poor respect of immersion; but lenience is welcome due to Conan's character noise.

Thrall encounters while spying

  • Ravencrest birds and pets cannot be used to reveal the presence of a spy as IC means. They can be used in general, however they cannot supersede the stealth roll of a fellow player.

  • Followers or Thralls that are present should not be ignored by the spy, instead a stealth roll should be made should the spy cross directly in front of their line of sight. Should a roll of 15 or lower be made, the spy should leave a POI describing what the guard might have spotted. This is only when there are no players within the same vicinity of said thrall; players trump the thrall’s presence.

  • If a Spy is attacked by a Thrall that was set to guarding the perimeter, they are immediately caught and must flee, and no PoI is needed (Unless they wish to place one down)