Code of Conduct

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At Black Colossus, we expect Staff and players to behave respectfully and care for others. This list of behaviors is not exhaustive but is meant to serve as a starting point for mindful and intentional interaction. Breaking these tenets may result in a warning or a ban from the community.

Required Behaviors

  1. Taking responsibility for yourself and your well-being.

  2. Speaking only for yourself and your experiences.

  3. Treating all users with compassion and respect, regardless of their experience or identity.

  4. Taking accountability for yourself and your actions after you have done something that caused harm or discomfort to another user (player or Staff).

  5. If you have been hurt or made uncomfortable by another user, take time to care for yourself and think about the issue at hand before responding; report it to staff rather than escalate the conflict.

Unacceptable Behaviors

  1. Ignoring, arguing against, or deliberately refusing to respect the boundaries set by other players or their consent sheets.

  2. Deliberate use or promotion of hate speech, death threats, slurs, or otherwise disrespectful language (This includes cursing and generally being rude).

  3. Harassment, Assault, or Abuse of other users, either on or off the website. Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, age, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability, or any other protected characteristic. It also includes the displaying or sharing of sexual images without consent, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of the community, inappropriate messaging or social media contact, and unwelcome attention of any nature.

  4. Criticism or disparagement of players because of a lack of experience or low level of understanding of the game or its lore.

  5. Speaking over Staff or other players, dismissing their contributions to the game and server without consideration.

  6. Introduction or continuation of problematic material without the express and ongoing consent of everyone in the scene. Roleplay themes between players will not include non-consensual sex without the express consent of said player OOC or any sexual acts with minors at all.

  7. Solicitation of explicit sexual content.

  8. Misleading, lying to, or blocking Staff who are investigating a report or otherwise.

Black Colossus has a three-strikes policy that applies to all users. You will know you have a strike on your profile if a Staff member tells you a mark has been put on your profile. Black Colossus will never add a mark to your profile without notifying you and your marks are only visible to Staff members. Some behaviors are unacceptable and cause an immediate ban from the community and server. It is up to the discretion of the Founders if a user is to be immediately banned.

This code of conduct is to be used and followed in all Black Colossus spaces, including the Black Colossus Website, Black Colossus Discord, Clan Discords used for communications between players or on Black Colossus Conan Exiles Server. Getting 3 marks on your profile or breaking any of these tenets is cause for being permanently banned from the community.

If someone engages in unacceptable behavior, you can report their actions to the Staff Team through our ticket system. Once you report a case, you will be contacted by the Staff Team within 72 hours.

This Code of Conduct is a living document that may be updated over time. Black Colossus will aim to ensure that we provide notice to our players when it does.

Why have a Code of Conduct?
Roleplaying is a cooperative hobby which means that your enjoyment of our game is dependent on the behavior of other participants and likewise their enjoyment is impacted by the way you approach and play the game. Because of this unique cooperative aspect of roleplaying, it is required that participants meet certain common standards of conduct and behavior while they are in areas devoted to this community.

This code of conduct defines the responsibilities of participants involved with roleplaying. The aim is to benefit everyone involved by ensuring that you know what behavior to expect at an event and what behavior is expected of you. We want to make clear what behavior is acceptable because this is a relatively open group of numerous backgrounds - who all have their own views on these matters. Explicitly defining a social contract that you agree to by choosing to participate allows you to know the standards that you will be held to by others.