General RP

Consent Sheet and Related Roleplay

Consent sheet will be found via the Roleplay Redux menu in game where there will be a form to fill out regarding your preferences; this includes sexual assault, rape, heavy mutilations and torture. Each have their own options explained below:

Sexual Assault and Rape

These actions can NOT be done without the OOC consent of fellow players and certainly cannot be forced upon another without their explicit agreement. These adult themes are part of the universe our server is set in and may be both mentioned and occurring, however none of them can personally happen to players who do not consent. Should you find yourself in a situation where you feel uncomfortable and in distress, first speak out in an OOC manner to those around to let them know of the situation and if they do not respect your wishes, reach out to the Staff team. You may consent to the event and use the FtB to avoid the roleplay itself while suffering the consequences of it.


Torture can be quite uncomfortable to roleplay out, however one can still torture your character should it be what their character would do. You may ALWAYS request a FtB to avoid the unwanted roleplay while still suffering the consequences and outcome of it. As such, it should be told in an efficient yet not detailed manner what your character would have suffered, ex: burn over limbs, missing fingernails, etc.

Light and Heavy Mutilations

Light Mutilation does NOT require consent but the option of FtB can always be used to avoid roleplaying out the details. Light mutilations include but is not limited to: ears, fingers, toes, fingernails, burns and scarification. Light mutilation CANNOT be sexual and cannot inhibit your character from performing more normal actions.

Heavy mutilation NEEDS consent to occur against fellow players. It includes but are not limited to: removal of a limb, tongue and eyes. What would be considered Heavy Mutilation would be something that impacts how one goes about playing their character, potentially restraining their roleplay. One may consent to the heavy consequences while using FtB to avoid roleplaying the details, as it often is an alternative to a permadeath.

Consent and FtB are not tools to avoid consequences nor are they present for one player to test boundaries with others.

Underage Roleplay and Pregnancy

ALL characters must be 18+ years of age and appear adult in both their speech and appearances. This includes followers and thralls.

Pregnancy and childbirth are strictly forbidden; while we do not have lore to justify the infertility, it is easy to assume the diet, conditions and such of our server setting makes it impossible to become pregnant.

In the same way that these lands are so dangerous, any children are hidden, safe and away from any interactions that may happen in-game. While a character may have had children prior to their current time on our server, they can never have children with them. Implying there are children around, roleplaying as one (even if as an NPC) is strictly forbidden.

Private Contact with Players

Should you desire to whisper another player while in-game, you should first ask in OOC brackets to obtain their consent. If they agree, you may open up a whisper channel ONLY if what you need to share is pertinent to the on-going situation and bears the minimum you need to share, as everything should be more In-Character. Useless chatter is unwanted in the local chat and in fellow players’ private channels.

Act Names

The command Act is to be used to your discretion but it should ALWAYS be descriptive to your own appearance and more precise as to avoid confusion. Example:

‘Hooded Figure’ is too generic and describes a large part of player appearances.
‘White Hooded Brunette’ is more precise and can make it easier in an interaction to determine who is talking.

We strongly discourage the use of words such as handsome, beautiful, dashing, sultry and others for they are subjective and do not describe a character properly. In the same branch, we discourage you from using titles such as Walking Shadow, Silver Spirit or anything that means very little to most other players that would come to interact with your character.

Keybinds and Commands

Shift + R – Roleplay Redux (Character Sheets, Abilities, Consent Sheets)
Shift + H – Devious Desires (Character Emotes and Animations)
Shift + B – ToT! Custom (Advanced Character Customisation and Transmogs)

/Shout - 12 foundations
/Say - 6 foundations
/Mumble - 3 foundations
/Whisper - 1 foundation

Mods and their Roleplay Rules

Ravencrest Couriers

This is the mod that grants you access to coops, scrolls, letters, custom seals and more to use in an In-Character way once in-game. It does come with its own set of rules that all players must respect:

Only ONE bird coop and ONE mailbox are allowed per clan, no matter what size they may be.
Coops must be placed in a room where a bird could freely come and go.
Letters, from an untrained bird, will take 30 minutes to be delivered. Message time may vary depending on the bird’s burden and experience.
The coop and mailbox should bear your clan’s name and not an individual’s. Those names are NOT to be taken IC unless there is a clear, explicit sign stating its name and that your character can read.

For additional information, please visit their mod page.

Roleplay Redux Key System

With the Key System activated upon our server, that means every clan requires a key to open doors and such. You may create and duplicate keys with the Keymaker’s Toolbox item from Roleplay Redux which will be made available through kits. This mod comes with its own set of rules that players must respect:

Keys should be accessible for pickpockets to reach, much like they should be prized loot when you are PvP downed.
Using an excessive amount of keys to purposefully keep players from entering will be punished by staff as a playing-to-win mentality.

For additional information, please visit their mod page.

ToT! Chat Languages

Upon character creation, you will be given one main and universal language fitting to the season's setting, which every character will have for ease of communication. You will then select your character's ethnicity which will give you access to their own language. You may switch between languages in the chat box, right below the typing bar.

embedded image

BEWARE that, when selecting a language others may not know around you, only the text within the quotation marks (" ") will be hidden in the form of "_____.___". This means the characters are speaking a language unknown to you. Anything that is NOT within the quotation mark will be readable to all; so your actions, movements and description are still visible.

If you omit the quotation marks, then the text will not be properly scrambled.