Clan, Base & Followers
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  • Clans are limited to a maximum of 8 characters.

  • Cohabitation within render distance is allowed however, if a place gets too laggy, staff can intervene to lighten the strain.

  • Cohabitation should not occur between cultural enemies.

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  • If a thrall attacks another player or thrall while the owner character is there, it should be dismissed as an OOC incident. It is easy to accidentally punch another character and create chaos from that.

  • Followers and Thralls can be left on attack all inside their own base.

  • If a follower or thrall is left on attack all outside of a base, they may be killed by NPCs or other players- This thrall or follower will not be reimbursed.

  • Followers and Thralls inside a base cannot be used as witnesses, aside from the described situations in thievery-and-spying

  • If you kill another player’s thrall or follower you must leave a POI describing the scene that has been left.

  • All followers and mounts must be realistic, i.e., no undead horses or dogs, no frost giant companions for races that do not make sense, etc. Every character must abide by their lore as to whether or not horses, companions and such are appropriate for them. If uncertain, ask!

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Build Rules

  • Clans may build within render distance of each other. If there is a question about distance between builds, a ticket should be raised, and Staff will gladly help determine what is possible and what is not.

  • All bases should appear realistic and built in a way that does not defy gravity nor should they be built with Raids and PvP in mind (honeycomb method, excessive walls, excessive anti-climb, etc.). Those bases are subject to dismantling without being reimbursed, as well as potential strikes.

  • Cultural norms should be considered, as well as the environment you decide to settle in i.e., Darfari should not be living in castles in a snow biome and Nemedians should not be living in mud huts in the midst of the jungle.

  • All bases must have at least one entrance into them that can be lock picked.

  • Modded doors do not count as thief-friendly access points (Yamatai sliding doors, double doors, etc.) as well as gates.

  • Bases should NOT be double-gated or double-doored (having to go through two doors / gates to enter) unless their build and culture justifies it; like a castle or having ramparts.

  • A base cannot be built in a ‘No Climbing’ zone, i.e. if you cannot scale the walls of the surroundings, you cannot build there.

  • You may NOT build over spawns that grants skeleton keys nor their chests.

  • You may build in a place that closes off resources, however if someone has ICly discovered said resources before you settled, they may take this knowledge IC and act according to their characters.

  • If a clan is found to be over limits, they will get a 48 hours delay from staff to adjust their base appropriately.

Camps/Temporary Bases

  • Must fall under your total build limit and can be in place for up to one week, no matter the race of your character.

  • Larger temporary structures for player events are allowed but must be requested via ticket prior to construction and will usually have a shorter lifespan than the camps.


  • Thrall wheels, Stables, Taming pens, Beehives, Fish & Crab traps will be limited to one per clan.

  • T3 Altars may only be placed after a ritual has been completed to bless the shrine from the appropriate character(s)

  • All workstations and decoration must be arranged in realistic fashion and in a way that would provide access to them in case of a break-in.

  • Be mindful of hoarding and of stations that work per tics as they put a lot of strain on the server performance. If a base is found to be particularly lag heavy, staff may investigate and give a proper warning to downsize what is needed.