Capture & Slavery

General Expectations and Explanations

  • Slavery - The ownership of a person as property, especially in regards to their labor. Slavery typically involves compulsory work with the slave's location of work and residence dictated by the party that holds them in bondage.

  • Captivity - To be taken and held prisoner. To be held or confined so as to prevent escape without being necessarily used for labor; often used in cases of ransoms or bounties. A captive is more of a temporary state than a slave.

Slavery and Captivity is a consequence that can be either forcibly or willingly given. Most players will assume a slave or captive is only taken via violence and a fight but there are many other cases that slavery and captivity can be used. To pay a debt, to prove loyalty, to surrender oneself as to not fight, to sell others for a sum of money, to prove a point if only to damage the other’s ego and more; it is not necessarily bad however being a slave / captive means you are restricted, to a certain degree, in your freedom.

The key to a successful slave / captive / owner relationship will be both IC and OOC communication. While we strongly advise not blending IC and OOC, in the case of slavery and captivity it is of importance to have clear communication from all parties involved ideally via Discord if necessary. This includes anyone who can tend to the slave within your clan- So any members should be able to reach the slave / captive OOCly via at least one person.

Another key to a successful slave / captive / owner relationship will be making clear expectations of the roleplay that is to come, of the consent of all parties and the desired outcome of it all. While the owner has the final say in what is to become of the slave / captive, it is important to listen to their input OOCly and to make them feel comfortable. Our consent rules still apply in these cases, fade to black still a viable option as well.

As a slave, it is also important to respect the setting and authority of the owner, especially if they grant you more freedom than expected to make the roleplay more interesting and less inhibiting for you, ex; the owner allows you to leave and wander the map while still being their property, that does not mean you should right away ‘run off’ as their presence should still be frightening enough to bring respect and obedience.

For other players interacting with slave characters: Slavery is a VERY common theme in Conan and should be interacted with accordingly. Slaves are common, slaves are often treated badly, slaves are often useful, slaves often do not warrant pity and rescue. While each nation has an opinion on slavery and ways to go about it, it is a theme that should be respected for what it is; in more cases than not, you will not attempt to rescue a slave just because they are a slave.

Slavery and Captivity Rules

  • Keeping in mind the above, the captive player must be able to be entertained at least once every 24 hours for more than a brief interaction, if not more depending on the availability of the owner and their clan. Should it not be feasible due to various reasons, a way out OR more freedom should be discussed between owner and slave. It is better to rush a reasonable end to the relationship than to let the slave become disgruntled by the lack of RP and involvement.

  • In the cases of captives awaiting trial, bounties or ransoms, the same rules apply. However, the distinction between being a captive and a slave is clear and should be properly told to the taken player, so they know what state they are in. Captives should be dealt with more rapidly since their predicament is usually not be held for long periods of time.

  • As the owner of the slave, you must offer them roleplay that fits within your own goals and motives whilst being entertaining and engaging for the other party.

  • As the owner, you must be willing to potentially give up the slave, give them a way out of their bindings or to even end their life should the roleplay justify it.

  • As the slave, you must respect what the owner expects out of you; treachery, escape and rebellion will always be available with the proper roleplay. However, going against the very essence of the power dynamic will be bad for the immersion and the setting that is slavery.

  • As the slave, should you manage an escape, a treachery, a rebellion or anything else that affects your slave status, you must be ready to face the consequences of the actions taken.

  • OOC communication must be established as soon as someone is taken captive or as a slave.

  • The location, the captors, clan name or player names should NOT be divulged OOCly. Establishing communication with fellow clan members to break free, to metagame the captors’ identity or anything that should not be taken IC will result in a strike or a possible ban.

  • The consent rules still apply to any roleplay while being a slave or a captive. It is the duty of both the owner and captive to communicate properly what is okay and what is not.