Player vs Player (PvP)

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Abusing game mechanics to gain an unfair advantage, such as, but not limited to: heat, cold, clinging onto cliffs, remaining underwater, spamming abilities (RR or mechanic), etc. will result in a strike and possible ban.

If there is a Savage race (Darfari, Pict, Beastmen) within a civilized areas such as a town or a hub, it is valid ground for PvP initiation and vice versa.

  • One emote is needed from the attacker to initiate, (/pvp intent) must be included in the emote, along their preferred method of fighting; dice or mechanical.

  • No one may move in the scene once /pvp intent has been declared.

  • Defender must be given the opportunity to respond with their own PvP intentions. /pvp join, surrender or flee as well as their preferred method of fighting.

  • Dice can be used for PvP if all parties chose the same method; otherwise it default to Mechanical.

  • All of the others in the surrounding area MUST emote their intentions. /pvp join or /pvp abstain.

  • Bystanders may join after PvP has been initiated by starting another countdown and waiting until its end to jump within the on-going PvP.

  • The defender initiates the PVP countdown using /pvp start, never the attacker (Unless in a Frontier Zone, see below)

  • Buffs / Potions / Powders must be emoted prior to combat if used and cannot be in the same emote as the PVP initiation. Remember to keep their usages appropriate for immersion.

  • The usage of poison must be appropriate to a character’s backstory.

  • Weapons do not need to be emoted prior to PvP, HOWEVER using Tot!Custom, you should put on yourself the weapons you would be using in the current situation. As no one is a walking arsenal, there is a limit of 3 weapons you can shift between depending on your character’s skills; single two-handed weapon, single one-handed weapon and daggers / throwing blades.

  • Supernatural transformations must be emoted properly prior to combat and cannot be in the same emote as the PVP initiation. Transformations cannot be interrupted.


  • A player may choose to flee at any point after the PvP countdown, even if their initial intent was not to flee. It is up to the others to either pursue or not. Pursuit should not extend across the entirety of the map, be realistic.

  • Players may enter their own bases DURING an attack, however the attacking party can use a Crowbar or Lockpicking tools upon entering a raid ticket and following those rules, see below.


  • The downed player must immediately use the Apply Wound-ability through the Roleplay Redux Sheets (Shift+R).

  • Downed player cannot rejoin an ongoing PvP encounter.

  • Downed players must stay on the spot they were killed and must remain in place until PvP has resolved. Downed players may be captured or moved at any point by other players.

  • Upon having been beaten in combat, the winner must inflict an injury (exceptions are spars without intention to injure). Keep in mind what felled them to decide on an appropriate injury.
    If 15 minutes have passed without being addressed, the downed player may crawl/walk away after applying a Medium Injury or Heavy injury to themselves based on opponent and weapons used.


Familiarise yourself with the Wounds & Healing rules. You will need them every time there is an altercation or injury.

All downed characters—Victor or Vanquished alike—must Apply Wounds to themselves!

Downed players may be subject to consequences such as but not limited to:

  • Capture

  • Mutilation/ Wound Strike

  • Death (PD rules apply)




  • be open and communicate with the Victor

  • accept their fate!


  • Request a Fade-to-Black, but they still suffer the consequences

  • Negotiate with the Victor about which consequenes to inflict (Victor has the last word)


  • Be considerate towards the Vanquished and listen to their input

  • Respect a Fade-to-Black request!


As the Defeated:

  • you must accept your fate!

  • you must communicate clearly, if anything makes you feel uncomfortable.

  • You can request a Fade-to-Black, but you must suffer the consequences of it nonetheless

  • If you feel your consequences are too heavy, communicate with the other party to discuss what you feel would be better suited for the on-going storylines BUT keep in mind they are the victor.

As the Victor:

  • You must be considerate to your opponent and listen to their input

  • You can capture a downed opponent

  • You can inflict a Wounding Strike (see Wounding Strikes),


  • The capture of a downed Character may occur at any point after they are downed.

  • The capture of a downed Character can take place during or after ongoing PvP.

  • Proper emotes MUST be made to notify the players around, from both the captor and the downed player. These must be accompanied by the appropriate rolls should they be tied and such.

  • A player can be moved by allies during ongoing PvP with proper emotes and roleplay.

See ⁠Capture & Slavery for the ‘after’ rules.

Mutilation Rules

A player may ALWAYS choose to FTB scenes regarding mutilation, consent based or not.

  • LIGHT mutilation includes but is not exclusive to: fingers, toes, ears, light burns, scarification..

    • NON consent based

    • NON RP inhibiting

    • Cannot be of sexual nature, unless consented to.

  • HEAVY mutilation includes but is not exclusive to : full limbs, hands, feet, arms, eyes, heavy burns, scarification…

    • Consent based

    • Can be RP inhibiting

    • Cannot be of sexual nature, unless consented to.

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  • May occur after one prior interaction so long as the RP leading up to is sufficient enough to justify taking a life.

    • For another option that is not death but very close to head into Injuries and Healing; See Death Strike.

Seehow to be a good RPer for other alternatives as we encourage players to keep stories running a bit longer. We expect our players to embrace the end of a character, even if it may be hard to accept. See ⁠dealing-with-pd for advices and help.

  • May never occur due to OOC grudges, if aggression is proven to have been initiated on an OOC basis then the aggressor may be warned or banned, and the PD refuted.

  • Players have the option to FTB graphic scenes including torture, rape, mutilation or gore leading up to a PD.

  • Insults or threats are a common thing in the setting, not every insult or threat warrants a killing.

  • If a character is downed and continues to issue grave threats or insult, a PD can be warranted as this can count as sufficient RP.

  • Founders and staff will investigate every PD as well as reaching out to the victim to investigate and make sure there is no lingering bitterness.

    • Founders may refute any PD after investigations should they find issues with the developments and roleplay.

Those who have been killed in a PD by another player will have access to a kit upon another character creation to ease their way back into roleplay. This kit will include better tools and armor, as well as two T3 thralls.

If you have been PDed and require the kit, open an In-Game assistance ticket upon character creation.

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  • You cannot raid an offline base.

  • Players do not need staff oversight but prior to the raid, the raiding party MUST open a raid ticket and fill out the form for proper documentation.

  • A raid includes four or less attackers from any clans, so long as they respect lore and immersion.

  • During a raid, entry is gained by strength checks to break door down using a crowbar or lockpicking

  • During a raid there are NO EXPLOSIVES to be used, including exploding arrows, fire orbs.

  • The raid must be announced in a shout from the party before attempting entry.

  • During a raid, the settlement becomes akin to a Frontier Zone (See below) and the inhabitants, the targets, may attack on sight.

  • Thievery rules apply to each raid member for carry limits and items to be collected.

  • Permadeath rules apply all the same during Raids.

  • Raiding, while not requiring staff supervision, can last up to a MAXIMUM of one OOC hour or 4 attempts at breaking in from the raiding party.

    • If the raiding party is found to linger and extend their attempts, they will receive a strike.

  • The raid ends once the purpose has been fulfilled, if the attempts failed, if the hour is up or if the raiding party has been downed in PvP. With the end, it should be announced in a shout that the raiding party is done.

  • A base cannot be raided more than once in 48 hours.

Raiding is meant to be a tool to use and not bring the heavier consequences of destruction. Raids are useful to intimidate, to send a message across, to give RP flavors to the victims as well as stealing and potentially, end a character.


  • A raid is considered a siege when it has more than five players involved.

  • You cannot siege an offline base.

  • Should players wish to siege, they must raise a ticket a minimum of ONE HOUR before the siege and a maximum of TWO HOURS before the siege. In this ticket, a form will need to be filled.

  • Staff supervision is needed for sieges and will not happen if no one is available, hence the ticket before the actual action.

  • Explosives may be used to gain entry and cause damage: Damaging a base to a reasonable extent is allowed as a purpose for a siege.

  • Siege weapons and tools are fine to be used, should they fit the attackers’ backstories and roleplay.

  • As the siege begins, a shout should be done by the attackers to announce their presence prior to the first attack.

  • During a siege, the settlement becomes akin to a Frontier Zone (See below) and the inhabitants, the targets, may attack on sight.

  • Thievery rules apply to each siege member for carry limits and items to be collected.

  • Permadeath rules apply all the same during sieges.

  • The siege ends once its purpose has been fulfilled, if it fails, if the attackers are downed but it should not linger for more than an hour. The end must be announced in a shout by the besiegers.

  • A base cannot be sieged more than once in 72 hours.

Sieges are heavier in consequences and should be used wisely in the setting of storytelling. They have a deep impact and can bring forth great roleplay for all parties.

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There will be no Frontier Zones aside from Savages for our season two.

  • Frontier Zones are 24/7 PvP zones marked clearly on the map OR the immediate zone surrounding a Savage Clan's build (See below).

  • The default in those zones is MECHANICAL PVP

  • In a Frontier Zone, PvP emote, intent and countdown are optional but any attacker MUST give a warning before attacking; such as a few missed arrows, a shout, a few swings of a weapon so the other player has time to react fairly.

  • If you build within a frontier zone you are at a high risk of being raided.

  • Permadeath rules still apply in these zones. Don’t forget the alternatives!

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  • Savage races may turn the immediate area surrounding their primary base into a Frontier zone. This should be done through a ticket to the staff.

    • The savage’s frontier zone will NOT be marked on the map, so tread carefully when you know of savages in the area!

  • All of the raids / sieges rules apply the same for Savages.

  • Playing any of these savage races means that if you step within civilized boundaries, you are at risk. You should expect getting into a fight.