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Havastu, Jynra of Destruction, has existed since before the cosmos came into being. The Last Dusk, as she is known by some, does not serve in a court and her realm is beyond the ordinary cosmos. Possibly the most reviled and feared deity in Aedelor's pantheon, Havastu is still understood to be wildly powerful and is respected as such.

May you consume the cosmos and bring an end to this wretched existence! — a prayer to Havastu from a zealous devotee

Havastu is one of two known jynra, and as a force of destruction, she stands in direct opposition to Sarasaamun, Jynra of Creation. Often represented by a swirling black void, she is said to appear to some in the form of a gargantuan hydra with an uncountable number of heads of various colours, shapes, and demeanours. Nearly the only thing all of Havastu's heads have in common is an endless hunger for all things, and all that she consumes is utterly destroyed. Through her, death and undeath are possible, and it is her void energy which empowers many fiends and other denizens of the lower planes. It was by using many of Havastu's heads that Sarasaamun created the first dragons.

Mother of Death! Bring us your malice, unveil your hate. Unleash your dark reckoning on the wretches that devour your children! O, Great Oblivion, steal their flesh, their heart, their very soul as they steal mine! — Valphiel the Viletongue calling Havastu to bring a curse upon the giant who slayed her

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