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Sarasaamun, Jynra of Creation, existed even before the cosmos. Known as the First Dawn, or the Worldforger, she is well known by all peoples of Aedelor. As a jynra, Sarasaamun does not serve in a court and her realm is beyond the ordinary cosmos.

May my shard shine as bright as you intended. — a prayer to Sarasaamun from someone trying to better themselves

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Sarasaamun is one of two known jynra, and as a force of creation, she stands in direct opposition to Havastu, Jynra of Destruction. While her true nature is unknowable, she is personified as a gargantuan four-winged dragon made of infinitely many brilliant platinum shards. It is through Sarasaamun that all life in the cosmos is possible, and the very birth of the cosmos was a result of her shattering during a struggle with Havastu. Souls, which most living creatures possess, and even the energy that deities are composed of are fragments of Sarasaamun. Using many heads of Havastu, Sarasaamun created the first dragons.

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