
The deities of the outer planes toil on grand cosmic schemes as they affect nearly every aspect of life on Aedelor. Mortals pray to the gods or carry out the gods' will in order to earn their blessings or to avoid their wrath. The gods themselves struggle for power among each other and organize themselves into courts of allegiance. The gods may change their allegiances or priorities, and they may rise or fall in position, typically resulting in consequences on Aedelor when they do. The deities of Aedelor are organized into echelons by mortals, which correspond to the gods' measure of influence and power. Individuals and faiths may deify an entire court of gods even though the gods within that court may represent a wide variety of concerns and domains.


Above all the echelons are the jynra, which are the utmost powerful entities in the cosmos. Jynra exist outside of the Aedelorian cosmos and their true nature is incomprehensible to anything inside of the cosmos. They can operate much like other deities in Aedelor, though generally must do so indirectly or in mysterious and cryptic ways. Only two are well-known in Aedelor.

Upper Echelon

The upper echelon is composed of the most powerful or influential deities that exist within the Aedelorian cosmos. In addition to having their domains and concerns, they are godqueens or godkings of divine courts. Their realms are usually the largest in the cosmos and empowered by the allegiance of other gods. The gods in this echelon must be ever-vigilant, cunning, or strong to keep their seats of power.

The middle echelon is home to the majority of the significant deities in Aedelor. They command enough power over some aspect of mortal life that they are known by most mortals and have an active role in the lives of all mortals in at least some way. These gods usually serve in the court of a godqueen or godking, but they may choose to not associate with any court.

Middle Echelon

Lower Echelon

The lower echelon houses deities whose influence and power is far lesser than the gods in other echelons. Their domains are not large enough to impact all of Aedelor, but they often have small dedicated followings and are still powerful enough that they may grant divine powers.