

Quetzlaka first appeared in Aedelor c. 100 DC and were created by Teocoatl. They stand between 5' — 6' and live up to 60 years. Quetzlaka are usually Arazi, Dalian, Islin, Endeshwa, or Texotla.

They are known for being amphibious and living in warm, humid regions. They're also known to have a pragmatic, calculating nature, and somewhat stunted emotional capacity, which may appear callous or uncaring to other ancestries.

Quetzlaka are a distinctly reptilian people native to the Scarred Isles south of Ealia. They are one of three ancestries created after the Withering, along with ak'arii and azu. Quetzlaka are amphibious and spend nearly as much time in the water as they do on land. Because they do not experience the same range of emotions as other ancestries, quetzlaka are often labelled as callous or uncaring. They are frequently called quetz for short and may be grouped with ak'arii and azu under the term wildkin.

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Though quetzlaka stand upright like humans, they share many similarities with reptiles like iguanas, chameleons, and geckos. They stand between five and six feet but are taller if fully stretched out. Instead of any hair, quetzlaka are covered in small scales which may be many shades of green, blue, or brown; many quetzlaka have two or more colours of scales on different parts of their body. Their eyes may be orange, yellow, red, or brown and have black circular pupils. While living no longer than 60 years before dying of natural causes, quetzlaka will reach physical maturity in 10-13 years. In the final year of their life, they will experience lethargy and decreased physical strength.

Quetzlaka prefer to live near bodies of water, which they need to breed. They hatch from eggs laid underwater in soft sand where they will live for up to a year while they develop. Quetzlaka bodies must be externally warmed, typically by basking in the sun. They require warmth and humidity to survive, making them ill-suited for many of the northern regions in Aedelor. Being amphibious, quetzlaka are naturally proficient swimmers.

Have you ever heard the term 'cold-blooded'? I know a few quetz who would consider that a compliment. — Merrell Farhand

When compared to the other sentient peoples of Aedelor, quetzlaka experience a significantly narrower range of emotions. It is rare for a quetzlaka to experience love, hatred, envy, or passion like others do. Because of this, they are often viewed as unloving or heartless. Despite what other peoples often think of them, quetzlaka still develop bonds and ideals, but they are more likely to be based on a position of logic or pragmatism rather than one of emotion.

Names and Language

The language of Quetz is spoken by all major populations of quetzlaka, and hatchlings are taught by the nonoti, adults who serve as teachers, spiritual guides, and history keepers. Only quetzlaka hatched separated from their society would not have this as a first language. The Quetz language is extremely difficult for other humanoids to properly learn and speak as hisses and clicks are a major part of it.

Quetzlaka names are unisex and there are no family names to speak of, as they do not know who their parents were. Hatchlings are usually given their first name by the nonoti which is related to their personality as they grow. In addition, they will often add the name of the body of water they were born in as a second identifier. As quetzlaka names can be very long and difficult to say in the common tongue, they will shorten it and go by that as their primary name.


Like their spiritual cousins, ak'arii and azus, quetzlaka were created at the behest of Artellan of Arborea in an attempt to control Aedelor's sea, land, and sky. Teocoatl was tasked with creating an ancestry that would rule over the sea and desired to make them in the image of his beloved reptiles. Ak'araj and Enonya, each desiring to please Artellan more than the others, conspired together to sabotage Teocoatl's kin. Through their efforts, quetzlaka were robbed of their emotions and warmth at the moment of their creation. Fearing they would no longer be suited solely for the seas of Aedelor without their warmth, Artellan made Teocoatl's creation amphibious so that they could bask in the sun.

Quetzlaka were created at the end of the first century DC when Teocoatl sent a fragment of his shard into Aedelor. Landing in Nezahual, the resulting impact created a lake which they called Teochi Atezcatl from which quetzlaka first emerged. For hundreds of years, they sought to fulfill their divine missive by migrating to several coastal locations in the Scarred Isles, the Emerald Isles, Mbakar, and even as far north as Lesser Antillia. With the aid of their god, they also gained mastery over fearsome dinosaurs which became central to their lifestyle, particularly in the Scarred Isles.

No godly plan survives mortal execution. — Melisant Boudier, History of the World vol. 3

After the events of the Xotla-Tizano War left Teochi Atezcatl inhospitable in 388 DC, many quetzlaka were directed by their god to migrate to the southern Aemys Isles to rebuild their civilization. In present-day Aedelor, quetzlaka continue to hold dominion over much of the Scarred Isles as well as the Aemys Isles. They also live as minorities in Mbakar, Kamazar, western Islingar, and western Dalazar.

Quetzlaka Characters

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