

Elves first appeared in Aedelor c. 2800 BDC and were created by Serenewyn. They stand between 5' — 6' and live up to 350 years. Elves are most likely to be Blackthorn, Emberfen, Ivorywood, Thilmelian, or Witchwood.

They are known for having longer lives than all other mortals, along with their angular, slender, and tree-like physiques. They are typically found in the wooded realms of Aedelor and have a reputation for being guardians of nature.

Elves originate from the undying plane of Aedurūn where they knew immortality and lived for many thousands of years in peace with their creator. After the Thousand Year Wars began to affect their way of life, they left their home plane and came to Aedelor. The transition robbed them of their immortality, however, they are still the longest-living people in Aedelor.

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Elven features are derived from the nature of their creation. Their skin varies from dark grey to copper, much like the shades and tones of natural wood from various trees. They stand between five and six feet tall and are more lithe and slender than humans. Elves also have angular features; their most obvious feature is their ears, which are pointy-tipped and extend beyond the back of their heads. Their angular nature extends to the rest of their face as well, having pronounced cheekbones, pointed chins, and sharp-tipped noses. Their hair grows in various shades of brown, and they notably do not grow facial hair. Their eyes can have brown, copper, or green irises.

I once knew an elf who had finally finished a painting he'd been working on for two hundred years. Imagine working on one thing for that long. Granted, it was a beautiful painting. — Merrell Farhand

Elves physically mature in 15-20 years, however, it can take up to 100 years before an elf is considered an emotionally mature adult by other elves. Elves live naturally up to 350 years before dying of old age. An elf does not show signs of old age until they are at least 300 years old, and even then they merely gently wrinkle. Elves can often predict when they are nearing death as they are only drained of physical strength in their final few months of life.

Names and Language

Elves originally spoke the language of their creator. Since they arrived in Aedelor, that language has evolved into modern elvish, which is still the primary language spoken by elves, especially in regions they hold dominion over.

Elves give their children a name when they are born which they find pleasing to their ear, and then take a new name of their preference when they are emotionally matured. Some elves enjoy their given name and do not take their own. Elven names make no distinction of gender, nor are they based on elvish words. To call an elf who has taken their own name by their original given name is considered very offensive and implies the elf is not mature enough to take their own name.


Elves were created by the goddess Serenewyn in Aedurūn during the age of ash and ruin. Because time flows differently on other planes of existence, it is difficult if not impossible for elves to trace back to a single point in time of their creation. Serenewyn desired to create a version of humans in her own fashion, but desired to spare them from the strife of war between the calissae. She gathered every branch of a great tree in Aedurūn and used some of her shard to grant them life. She gave them all names that she found pleasing to her ear and named them elfkind. When destructive calissae from Aedelor learnt how to traverse the boundary between their planes and enter Aedurūn, elves went to war with them.

A legendary elven hero, Erihapeti, defeated a powerful dragon and their battle permanently opened paths between the two planes. Serenewyn felt a great sympathy for the inhabitants of Aedelor where such war had been transpiring since the dawn of time. She banished her elves to Aedelor, commanding them to go and fight the calissae and to protect the new crossings between their planes. Elves arrived in Aedelor 2791 BDC in the Witchwood in the north of Ealia. Upon entering Aedelor, their immortality faded from them, but the magical nature of their origins still allowed them to live much longer natural lives than most other creatures in Aedelor. In the present day, elves have spread to many of the vast forests in Aedelor seeking planar crossings. They generally have positive relations with other peoples of the world and have even integrated into some other societies.

Elf Characters

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