
The peoples of Aedelor are made up of a diverse selection of ancestries. A character's ancestry dictates most of their physical traits, their lifespan, and sometimes has some other surprising effects on their lives and nature. You may read about all the different kinds of ancestries in Aedelor below.

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Elves originate from the undying plane of Aedurūn where they knew immortality and lived for many thousands of years in peace with their creator.

After the Thousand Year Wars began to affect their way of life, they left their home plane and came to Aedelor. The transition robbed them of their immortality, however they are still the longest living peoples in Aedelor.

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Elfkin were originally the half-breed result of human and elven parentage. They are sometimes called half-elf, but this considered derogatory and old fashioned. They possess an amalgamation of qualities from both humans and elves, while never truly fitting in with either. They primarily integrate into human societies, especially in areas where both humans and elves hold dominion near to each other.

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Fiendlings are mortal creatures who have had their usual ancestry mutated by some influence of the lower planes. They are one of three types of planetouched. Fiendlings may be the result of an ancient blood debt to a devil, a demonic possession, or even just the whims of influential evil gods.

Although they can be born to any other ancestry, humans are the most easily corrupted by fiendish influence, making fiendlings most common in human societies.

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Giantkin used to be the mindless obedient thralls of giants that lived in the far north of Aedelor. They were created by giants in their own image and represent the height of giants' mastery over shard manipulation and what they called soul magic. Giantkin populate much of the north of Aedelor where they have their own societies as well as integrate into primarily human ones. For many, giantkin are a reminder that giants once dominated the world.

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Halflings were created at the moment of the Shattering when shards large enough to create life, but too small to create humans, entered Aedelor. They are similar to humans in many ways, but their stature has led to discrimination and status as secondary citizens in many parts of the world throughout history. Despite this, they often maintain a cheery disposition, a positive outlook on life, and have endured and even flourished to present day.

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Humans are the most populous ancestry in Aedelor. They are also one of the oldest, having been created as a result of the shattering along with giants and halflings. Humans survived through the Thousand Year Wars in part to their adaptive and ambitious nature. Humans can be found in nearly every corner of Aedelor and are made up of a diverse array of ethnicities and faiths. They control the most domains of any ancestry in Aedelor.

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To many in Aedelor, lohiken are a reminder of a time when dragons dominated the world. Attitudes towards them can vary wildly between fear, distrust, respect, and reverence. Lohiken proudly bear the similarities with their draconic origins in spite of the animosity it sometimes brings them.

Among the youngest ancestries in the world, their proud, hearty, and clever nature has made them one of the most politically powerful in a short timespan. They are often called dragonkin by the non-draconic speaking peoples of the world.

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Quetzlaka are a distinctly reptillian people native to the Scarred Isles south of Ealia. They are one of three ancestries created after the Withering, along with ak'arii and azus. Quetzlaka are amphibious and spend nearly as much time in the water as they do on land.

Because they do not experience the same range of emotions as other ancestries, quetzlaka are often labeled as callous or uncaring. They are frequently called quetz for short, and may be grouped with ak'arii and azus under the term wildkin.

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Üneküm combine the features of a human and an orc. Originally considered the half-breed outcome of interbreeding between those two, üneküm were given the ability to parent their own children by Morabis making them their own ancestry.

Üneküm are sometimes called half-orcs. They are most common in Ealia where their kind originates, but they also hold dominion over Islingar along with elfkin.