
At Level 3, Guardians of all types can throw a Grenade as an action at a point they can see within 50ft. The Standard Grenade explodes in a 10ft. Sphere. All creatures of the Guardian’s choice within that radius must make a DEX SAVE or take [2d8 + GLevel + PB] damage matching the damage type of the Guardian’s subclass.

As a bonus action, the Guardian can “consume” their Grenade to gain temporary hitpoints equal to twice their [GLevel].

This Grenade can be amplified through Aspects of Power gained at later levels. Unless the Grenade Aspects specify otherwise, they still retain the same SAVE DC and other default features listed here.

Once a Grenade is thrown or consumed, another cannot be thrown until the end of a short or long rest, or through various features/equipment that can restore the charge.