Weapons: Origin Traits


Black Armory: This weapon gains a +1 to damage rolls.

Cassoid: Critical Hits cause a small directed explosion. You can choose one additional creature within 10ft. of the hit target. That target takes one damage die.

Crux/Lomar: (Rocket Launcher only) If you score 3 or more kills with a single rocket, the Launcher immediately reloads.

Daito: If you take damage from an enemy attack, you gain a +1 to your next attack roll. The effect lasts for 1 minute or until it is used.

Field Forged: This weapon gains a +1 to its attack and damage rolls for every level of Exhaustion you currently have.

Häkke: This weapon deals an additional damage die to Vehicles.

MIDA: If the Weapon does not have Lightweight, it has Lightweight. If the weapon already has Lightweight, its effect is increased by 5ft.

Nadir: This weapon gains a +1 to attack rolls if its magazine is half of maximum or less, rounding down.

Omolon: This weapon gain a +1 to the attack roll if its magazine is full.

SUROS: Reloading this weapon makes the next attack have a +1 to the attack roll. The effect lasts for 1 minute.

Tex Mechanica: If you take the Dash Action, you gain a +1 to your next attack roll. The effect lasts for 1 minute.

VEIST: If the weapon does not have Rapid-Fire, it has Rapid-Fire. If the weapon already has Rapid-Fire, the Bonus Action attack deals an additional damage die.

The Infinite Forge: When you reload this weapon, roll [1d6]. On a 6, you gain +2 rounds in the magazine, overflowing it.

Vanguard Standard Issue: Scoring a final blow with this weapon heals you for 1 Hitpoint.

Drifter's Kitbash: Scoring a final blow with this weapon gives an additional 5ft. to your walking speed for the current turn.

Crucible Prize Pool: If you are not attacked or forced to make a saving throw between your previous turn and your current turn, your next reload with this weapon is a free action.

Brave Arsenal: Every 10 kills with this weapon grants you a Grenade or Charged Melee charge. If you are using a Light subclass, you gain a Grenade charge. If you are using a Dark subclass, you gain a Charged Melee charge instead.


Archivist's Hoard: Hitting two attacks in a row grants you 1 charge of Archivist, to a maximum of 3. Upon reaching 3 stacks, you may regain either a Class Resource, or empower your next Cantrip with an additional damage die. Class Resource includes things like Barbarian Rage, Bardic Inspiration, Sorcery Point. It does not include Charged Melee or Grenade.

Golden Age Flechette: Fires specialized seeker Flechettes. When you land 2 hits in a row, subsequent attacks have +1 to the attack roll until your next miss.