The Hive


The Hive were once small, humble Krill with a lifespan of barely ten years. Once a species eyed by the Traveller to be changed to something greater, the Darkness got to them first- fed their fear- and brought them to the Deep. There, the Hive formed nigh-unbreakable bonds with Worm Gods, tithed with violence in exchange for immortality. They typically operate under the Sword Logic.

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Hidden Swarm / Spawn of Crota / Grasp of Nokris: Various Hive splinter groups stationed across Sol.

Blood of Oryx: Remnants of Oryx’s Brood, stationed aboard the Dreadnaught around Saturn. They serve or served Oryx, the Taken King, and seek ways to either restore Oryx, or to fill the void of power left in his wake.

Savathun’s Brood / The Lucent Brood: Led by Lightbearer Hive in the name of the Hive God Savathun. In her absence, they are instead led by her Ghost, Immaru.

Xivu Arath’s Horde: The innumerable Hive armies of Xivu Arath, the Hive God of War. Many splinter groups of Hive eventually fall under her banner.

The Mindbent: Various Hive enthralled by powerful cultists who don’t necessarily need to be Hive themselves. The Scorn Baron known as the Mindbender is one such example of a leader of the Mindbent.

The Wrathborn: Mind-controlled creatures from other factions, empowered by hatred and pain. This faction also serves Xivu Arath.