Eliksni / The Fallen


Known collectively as the Fallen, the Eliksni are four-armed creatures that were once blessed by the Traveller with their own Golden Age. Their civilization collapsed in a time known as the Whirlwind, where the Traveller had abandoned them long before it arrived in the Sol system. Many Eliksni have different thoughts about their old “Great Machine.” Some wish to regain its favor, others wish to destroy it and everything it seems to stand for. All of them strive for some sort of greater future for them and theirs. Many of them have devolved into piracy.

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House of Devils - A more boisterous house based on Earth, they are led by Sepiks Prime, a massive Prime Servitor. They are also the House from which the Devil Splicers were created.

House of Kings - Hidden within the Cosmodrome. They are led by a small council of Archons. Their ultimate leader is Craask, Kell of Kings.

House of Winter - Stationed primarily on Venus, they are led by Draksis, Kell of Winter.

House of Wolves - Once stationed with the Awoken within the Reef. This house was/is led by Skolas.

House of Exile - Splintered groups of disgraced, exiled, renegade, or other kinds of Fallen from various houses. They made a home in the Golden Age ruins on Luna.

House of Dusk - An amalgam of various micro-factions and pirate crews composed of Eliksni from many splintered houses.

House of Judgement - An old tribe of Scribes- whose only remaining member is known as Variks the "Loyal."

House of Salvation - Wielders of Darkness, led by Eramis the Shipstealer.

House of Light - Eliksni house allied with Humanity, led by a previous House of Wolves member known as Misraaks (or Mithrax to many humans.)