
Most vehicles, like Pikes and Heavy Pikes, have a 1-creature capacity. These vehicles can move and attack as an extension of the pilot in place of their normal movement and attacks.

Larger vehicles (Skiffs, Tombships) have 1 pilot position and a number of Weapons Platforms. A creature can helm one of these positions and use their Action to Attack, using the Weapon Platform's stats.

Larger vehicles may also have a maximum storage capacity.

An attack roll that targets the pilot or gunner while they are operating these positions take a -7 penalty to the attack roll.

All Vehicles and Constructs contain the following features:

  • Immunity to the following Conditions: Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned.

  • Immutable Form: The Construct/Vehicle is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.