Difficulty Modifiers

Difficulty Modifiers can be applied to an encounter if players wish to face greater challenges, for potentially greater rewards. The following are some basic difficulty modifiers that can be applied across all encounters:


Strike: Normal Difficulty. No modifiers.

Nightfall: All enemies can subtract 2 from all damage that they take, to a minimum of 1.

Raid: All Enemies can subtract 4 from all damage that they take, to a minimum of 1.

Grandmaster: All enemies can subtract 8 from all damage that they take, to a minimum of 1.


Overcharged [Weapon]: Choose any number of weapon archetypes. These weapons deal an additional damage die. This bonus applies to Lightbearer weapons.

Surged [Element]: Choose any number of Elemental damage types. Sources of these elemental damage types deal an additional damage die corresponding to the attack or ability used. For instance, a standard Grenade would deal an additional [1d8] damage, or a Hobgoblin’s solar line rifle would deal an additional [1d?]. This bonus applies to all creatures.


Weight of Darkness: All Lightbearer movement speed is reduced by 5ft. This modifier can be stacked up to 3 times.

Wings of Silver: All Lightbearer movement speed is increased by 5ft. This modifier can be stacked up to 3 times.

Chaff: All Light Sources have bright light/dim light reduced by 5ft. each. Additionally, Lightbearers take a -2 penalty to their Perception Checks.

Subtle Foes: At the start of an enemy swarm’s turn, roll [1d20]. On a 1, the swarm turns Invisible until the start of their next turn, or if they break invisibility by making an Attack.

Match Game: Elemental shields are invulnerable to all damage except for the matching element.

Empath: You can see Invisible creatures within 30ft. of you. However, you take double damage from melee attacks.

Martyr: Explosive enemies (Explosive Shanks, Cursed Thrall, etc.) resist all damage.

Attrition: All healing is reduced by half, to a minimum of 1. If you score a kill, you gain 1 Healing Charge, to a maximum of 1. When you apply any kind of healing, you can spend that Healing Charge to prevent that healing from being reduced by half.

Scorched Earth: Select rank-and-file creatures have the ability to use their Action to throw a grenade to a point they can see within 60ft. The grenade explodes in a 10ft. radius and deals [2d4] damage matching their primary weapon's damage type. The DEX SAVE DC is 10, and successful saves result in half damage. In an encounter, this feature can be used only twice per round across the whole encounter.