
Below is a guideline and a list for Enemies of Humanity. They are the most common opponents you may face in a combat encounter. Enemies can be changed through various modifiers, but the unmodified enemies are typically referred to as “Trash mobs,” to be destroyed by the dozens.

Enemies typically form in Swarms of various sizes, Enemies in a single swarm share the same initiative.

NOTE: The below section regarding the composition of Swarms is merely a guideline for organizing enemies on the Initiative order, purely for the DM’s benefit. A DM does not have to follow any of these guidelines if they want to design an encounter that’s entirely their own. If you want to make an encounter that is fifty Barrier Champion Thrall, that’s entirely your prerogative. I won’t judge you… publicly… (That might make a cursed Crota's End Lanterns encounter...)

Swarm Names:

1- Elite (Typically a high-tier enemy like a Minotaur or a Captain)

2- Duo (Typically a specialist kill team like a pair of Hobgoblins or Sniper Vandals)

3- Fireteam (Typically a somewhat stronger group of trash mobs, like Marauders or Psions)

4+ Swarm (Typically a larger, easily destroyable group that relies on numbers rather than raw strength, like Thralls or Warbeasts)