
A Lightbearer's career often leads to armaments, armor, tools, and lots of loot. Below are a list of less combat-oriented items and their properties:

A DM may determine the exact prices of various items by their own volition.


Scrap: Various scrap materials that hold some value. Equivalent to Copper Pieces.

Glimmer: The common currency among Lightbearers. Equivalent to Silver Pieces. Almost everything in Destiny uses Glimmer, as it can be converted into usable non-organic matter, from plating for ships, to ammo for weapons. One must have special Golden Age equipment in order to utilize the full potential of Glimmer.

Enhancement Core: An uncommon currency. Equivalent to Gold Pieces. Can be used as currency, but can also be used as a material for upgrades.

Legendary Shard: A more rare currency. Equivalent to Platinum Pieces. Can be used as currency, but it is more valuable as material for upgrades.

Ascendent Shard: Immensely rare material, used to Masterwork weapons among other things.

Ascendent Alloy: Immensely rare material, can be used to amplify a Weapon Perk.


(NOTE: Ammo Packs are applied specific to the weapon you choose. For instance, you cannot use a Heavy Ammo Pack to create 3 shots for a Linear Fusion Rifle and apply those three shots to a Rocket Launcher. Also, if a weapon has a unique size of magazine or has a magazine modifier like Extended Magazine, the Ammo Pack only generates ammo matching that magazine size.)

Primary Ammo Pack: Contains 1 full magazine’s worth of ammo for a Weapon that does not have the Special or Power properties. When you create ammo for a single weapon with this pack, it is consumed.

Special Ammo Pack: Contains 1 full magazine’s worth of ammo for a Special Weapon. When you create ammo for a single Special weapon with this pack, it is consumed.

Power Ammo Pack: Contains 1 full magazine’s worth of ammo for a Power Weapon. When you create ammo for a single Power weapon with this pack, it is consumed.

Baked Goods: Can be purchased, or created yourself through the use of a Dawning Oven. A Baked Good heals [2d4+2] damage when consumed. If consumed while at full health, you gain 1 Temporary Hitpoint. This specific instance of Temporary Hitpoints can stack with every eaten baked good, to a maximum of 3. Alternatively, you may split the Baked Good into two halves to share. Each piece heals [1d4+1] hitpoints, but does not grant any Temporary Hitpoints at full health.

Chocolate Chip Cookie: Functions identically to a Baked Good, except all of its effects are doubled.

Ramen: Delicious. Heals [3d4+3] damage when consumed.

Cayde’s Dash: A series of spices that can be added to Ramen. Ramen infused with these spices heals [6d4+3] damage.

Military Medkit: Heals [12d4+12] damage on use.

Dawning Oven: A rare artifact, allows a Lightbearer to spend 1 hour to create [1d4-1] Baked Goods. If you have the Chef Feat or Proficiency with Cook's Utensils or Brewer's Supplies, you create an additional [1d4-1] Baked Goods. You can use this item during a short rest and still benefit from the short rest. When you make Baked Goods, roll a [1d20]. On a 20, the Baked Goods are instead Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Support Weapon Refit: This upgrade kit allows you to apply Support functionality to a weapon of your choice. Once used, the Refit is spent, and cannot be extracted from the weapon even if it is dismantled. While a weapon has Support functionality, final blows against creatures grant 1 Support Charge, to a maximum of 2. When you fire this weapon and you have at least 1 Support Charge, you can spent 1 charge and target one creature of your choice, or a number of creatures within the radius. Affected creatures heal a number of hitpoints equal to half the weapon's damage roll. This Refit cannot be applied to an Exotic weapon unless it has a Catalyst.

Engram: Encrypted matter. These easily storable blocks can be decrypted by a Cryptarch (or Decoder) and can contain a variety of items, from weapons to currency to other items.

Exotic Catalyst: Catalysts are exceedingly rare artifacts. Over the course of a short or long rest, a Catalyst can be used on one Exotic Weapon to further amplify their capabilities. Using a Catalyst in this way consumes the Catalyst. Once a Catalyst has been applied to a weapon, it cannot be removed.

Deployable Special Artifact: A single-use container. When used, it generates a Special Artifact of your choice within the list under Exotic Weapons. This weapon is immediately equipped in your hands. If you already had a weapon in your hands, it is instantly stowed.

Scanner: This item can be equipped on your Ghost, and contains 2 charges. While it is equipped on your ghost, you can spend a charge as an action to have your Ghost scan a 30ft. cube area to learn up to five things of your choice relating to the scanned area, to the DM's discretion. For example, you can learn the content of nearby soil to determine the direction or number of footprints, or even lingering contamination of certain material. You may also use a charge to find hidden traps or passageways within the 30ft. cube. You may also spend a charge to add +10 to your next Medicine Check. When both charges are used, the Scanner is destroyed.


This is a list of other magic items that don't exactly fall under "Exotic Armor." These may be trinkets, odds and ends... that sort of thing...

Toothbrush: This item has a single use. Using it makes your teeth sparkly and clean. Once it is used, it may possibly be usable again at a later date.

Ramen Coupon: You may use this coupon at a participating Ramen shop. When you do so, roll [1d4]. On a 1, you discover that the coupon has expired. If the coupon is not expired, you can exchange it for a Ramen.

Cool Rock: This is a cool rock. It can have interesting patterns or a cool shape or structure. You may be able to use it for something.

Ahamkara Bone: You can whisper a wish to it... ... ... if you dare... It might not actually do anything.

Archie Plush: This tiny dog-shaped item is soft and comfy. It does not have any mechanical benefit, but we don't say these things aloud. Archie is a good boy. We don't hurt the feelings of good boys.