Exotic Armor


Mephisto's Extra Pockets (Chestpiece)
You can only attune to this item if you are using a Prismatic Subclass. As a bonus action, You can choose to benefit from the effects one additional Aspect of Power that you are currently compatible with. (Depending on the nature of your chosen Aspect of Power itself, you may also activate the effect with an Action or a Reaction.) You benefit from the extra Aspect of Power for 1 minute. Once this feature has been used, it cannot be used again until the end of a long rest. CATALYST: The feature lasts for 1 hour instead.

Aeon Cult: Wearers of any of these Exotic Gloves are considered Aeon Cult members. If a wearer of any Aeon Cult Exotic Gloves uses their class ability, all Aeon Cult members within 30ft. Of the user gain an Aeon Charge. The Aeon Charge is a [1d10] that can be used to enhance an attack roll, ability check, or a saving throw. An Aeon Cult member can only have one charge at a time, and the charge lasts for 10 minutes or until it is spent. CATALYST: You benefit from this feature as long as a fellow Aeon Cult member is within 60ft. of you.

  • Aeon Soul: (Warlock)

  • Aeon Safe: (Titan)

  • Aeon Swift: (Hunter)

Class Items

Exotic Class Items can be worn by all classes. The following descriptions will be generalized in order to accommodate the flexible nature of them.

Essentialism / Stoicism / Solipsism: You can only attune to this item if you are using a Prismatic Subclass. This item also counts as one Exotic Armor piece. At the end of a long rest, you can use this Prism to absorb the power of another Exotic Armor piece. If it is used in this way, the original Exotic Armor piece is destroyed, and the Prism gains all the features of the original item. This Class Item can hold the power of up to two Exotic Armor pieces at a time. If you absorb the power of a third exotic item, you must choose which of the other two are removed. If you swap out an Exotic feature for another, the previous Exotic feature will be lost. (NOTE: If you are using the Exotic Agnostic feat and load an Exotic not matching your class into it, the Transcendent Prism will take two attunement slots. However, if you load two exotics that don't match your subclass at once, the Transcendent Prism will only take three attunement slots.)

Dead Orbit Badge: This Class Item does not need to be attuned to. While wearing this Class Item, you gain a +2 to Wisdom (Survival) Checks.

Future War Cult Badge: This Class Item does not need to be attuned to. While wearing this Class Item, you gain a +2 to Intelligence (Investigation) Checks.

New Monarchy Badge: This Class Item does not need to be attuned to. While wearing this Class Item, you gain a +2 to Charisma (Persuasion) Checks.

Cult of Osiris Badge: This Class Item does not need to be attuned to. While wearing this Class Item, you gain a +2 to Wisdom (Arcana) Checks.

Seraph Badge: This Class Item does not need to be attuned to. While wearing this Class Item, you gain a +2 to Wisdom (Perception) Checks.

The Hidden Badge: This Class Item does not need to be attuned to. While wearing this Class Item, you gain a +2 to Dexterity (Stealth) Checks.

Concordat Badge: This Class Item does not need to be attuned to. While wearing this Class Item, you gain a +2 to Strength (Athletics) Checks.

Queens Wrath Badge: This Class Item does not need to be attuned to. While wearing this Class Item, you gain a +2 to Dexterity (Acrobatics) Checks.

Symmetry Badge: This Class Item does not need to be attuned to. While wearing this Class Item, when you make a Skill Check, you can use a reaction to add +2 to the roll. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until the end of a short or long rest.

Cryptarch Badge: This Class Item does not need to be attuned to. When you gain a weapon and roll its Perks, you may choose to reroll one of its perks when it is generated. You can use this reroll only once per generated weapon.

Ossa Thorne's Bandolier: This Class Item contains a decorative keychain shaped like a very round barn owl, as well as a battery that inexplicably charges itself to full. It holds up to 6 charges, and gains 1 charge every 2 hours. As an action, you can spend charges to regain one spell slot, where each level costs 2 charges. For instance, you can spend 2 charges to gain a 1st level spell slot, or 6 charges to gain a 3rd level spell slot. If the Bandolier contains 6 charges, you may also spend all 6 charges as a reaction to re-roll an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, and pick the higher roll.