Exotic Armor


Alchemist’s Raiment: (Chestpiece) When you pick up an Orb of Power while you have 100 Super Points, you can choose to regain either your Grenade or Charged Melee. Once you benefit from this feature, you cannot do so again until the end of [1d4] days.

CATALYST: Once you benefit from this feature, you cannot do so again until the end of a long rest.

Apotheosis Veil: (Helmet) When you cast your Super, choose two among your Grenade, Charged Melee, and Class Ability. You regain charges for both.

CATALYST: When you cast your Super, you regain charges for all three abilities if you do not have them.

Astrocyte Verse: (Helmet) You can forego your movement speed to gain a 40ft. Teleport for that turn, as long as you target an unoccupied space you can see. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: The range for the teleport is now 50ft. Additionally, when you appear, any number of creatures of your choice within 5ft. of you are Weakened.

Ballidorse Wrathweavers: (Gloves) When you cast your Stasis Super, any creature of your choice within 15ft. of you gains 5 Temporary Hitpoints.

CATALYST: The Temporary Hitpoints granted on cast is increased to 10. When you use your bonus action to emit the Shattering Burst, you refresh the Temporary Hitpoints for all creatures of your choice within the radius.

Boots of the Assembler: (Boots) At the start of your turn while you have a Rift active, a number of Noble Seekers appear equal to the number of allied creatures that are within the Rift, to a maximum of 3. The Noble Seeker matches the type of Rift that was created. If they are not commanded, these seekers linger in place until the end of your turn. As a free action, you can send any number of active Seekers to any number of creatures of their choice that they can see within 40ft. Of the Rift. A Healing Rift Seeker heals [1d4] damage to an ally. An Empowering Rift Seeker gives an ally a +1 bonus to their next attack. (Note: Familiars count.)

CATALYST: The maximum number of Noble Seekers that can be generated is increased to 6.

Briarbinds: (Gloves) You gain two Void Souls when you create one with the Child of the Old Gods Aspect of Power, and their damage dice becomes [1d8]. You can choose to have one or both Void Souls launch when you deal damage.

CATALYST: You can use a free action to retrieve a Void Soul if you are within 5ft. of a Void Soul. This does not refresh the time limit on Void Soul.

Cenotaph Mask: (Helmet) You can reload Trace Rifles as a free action. If you hit a target with a Trace Rifle when its damage matches your [GSubclass], the next attack against it has advantage.

CATALYST: If a marked creature dies from that next attack, roll a 1d6. On a 1-3, a Primary Ammo Pack is generated. On a 4-5, a Special Ammo Pack is generated. On a 6, a Power Ammo crate is generated.

Chromatic Fire: (Chestpiece) When you fire a Kinetic Weapon, you can choose to have its damage type match your [GSubclass].

CATALYST: Scoring a final blow with a Kinetic weapon with its damage type changed this way causes the slain creature to explode. Creatures of your choice within 5ft. of the initial target take 1 damage.

Claws of Ahamkara: (Gloves) You gain a second melee charge, but the second charge returns only at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: The second charge also returns on a short rest.

Contraverse Hold: (Gloves) If you make a kill with your Void Grenade, Melee, or Super, roll [1d20]. On a 20, you regain your Grenade charge. If you succeed in benefiting from this feature, you cannot do so again for the next [1d4] days.

CATALYST: You can benefit from this feature again after the end of a long rest instead.

Crown of Tempests: (Helmet) If you make a final blow with your Arc Grenade, Melee, or Super, roll [1d20]. On a 20, you regain your Grenade charge. If you score three final blows with a single Grenade, you regain your Grenade charge. If you succeed in benefiting from either feature, you cannot do so again for the next [1d4] days.

CATALYST: If you succeed in benefitting from either feature, you cannot do so again until the end of a long rest.

Dawn Chorus: (Helmet) When you apply a stack of Burn, roll a [1d6]. on a 5-6, you apply an additional stack of Burn.

CATALYST: On a 3-6, you apply an additional stack of Burn.

Eye of Another World: (Helmet) As an action, you can scan a target within 50ft. of you. You can learn the target’s maximum health, the target’s current health, and Vulnerabilities if the target has any. You can benefit from this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest. Additionally, Once per long rest, you can use a bonus action to give yourself Truesight for 1 minute.

CATALYST: Truesight lasts for 10 minutes. Additionally, once while Truesight is active, scoring a final blow recharges your Class Ability.

Fallen Sunstar: (Helmet) Jolt deals an additional 1 damage.

CATALYST: Jolt deals an additional 2 damage instead.

Felwinter’s Helm: (Helmet) You cannot be surprised while you wear this helmet.

CATALYST: Scoring a final blow with a Melee attack grants you Truesight for 1 minute.

Geomag Stabilizers: (Boots) Your Chaos Reach’s range is increased by 20ft. Additionally, if you have 80 or more Super Points, you gain 1 additional Super Point whenever you pick up an Orb of Power.

CATALYST: Your Chaos Reach applies Jolt.

Getaway Artist: (Gloves) When you consume an Arc-based Grenade, even on a Prismatic Subclass, you generate your Arc Soul.

Additionally, Your Arc Soul becomes Sentient, and makes two attacks instead of one when it attacks.

CATALYST: Your Sentient Arc Soul makes three attacks instead.

Karnstein Armlets: (Gloves) You heal [1d4] damage when you score a final blow with any Melee attack.

CATALYST: You heal [1d6] damage instead.

Light Beyond Nemesis: (Helmet) You generate an additional orb when you cast your Super.

CATALYST: You generate two additional orbs instead.

Lunafaction Boots: (Boots) Rifts created by you allow all allies of your choice to reload their weapons as a free action while they are within the Rift.

CATALYST: All Rifts you stand in also benefit from this feature, including Well of Radiance.

Mantle of Battle Harmony: (Chestpiece) Final blows with weapons grant an additional 1 Super Point. While you have 100 Super Points, you can add a [1d4] to an ability check a number of times equal to your PB. You regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: You add [1d4+1] to an ability check instead.

Mataiodoxia: (Chestpiece) If your Arcane Needle Charged Melee generates a Threadling, it also Suspends the target.

CATALYST: You apply Suspend if you roll a 3 or 4 on the roll to generate a Threadling.

Necrotic Grips: (Gloves) Melee final blows emit a burst of corruption. All hostile enemies within 5ft. Of the defeated enemy take [1d4] corruption damage, plus [1d4] corruption damage at the start of their next turn. If an enemy is defeated from either instance of corruption damage, they too emit a burst of corruption. This feature can also be triggered by final blows by the Exotic Weapons Thorn, Osteo Strigga, Touch of Malice, or Necrochasm.

CATALYST: The range of the burst of corruption is increased to 10ft.

Nezarec’s Sin: (Helmet) When you make Any Void-based final blows, roll [1d100]. If the number is your [GLevel] or lower, choose one among your Grenade, Charged Melee, or Class Ability. You regain that charge. If you succeed in benefiting from this feature, you cannot do so again for the next [1d4] days.

CATALYST: If you succeed in benefitting from this feature, you cannot do so again until the end of a long rest.

Nothing Manacles: (Gloves) You gain a second Grenade charge, but the second charge returns only on a long rest.

CATALYST: The second charge also returns on a short rest.

Ophidian Aspect: (Gloves) Your melee attacks gain +5ft. to their Range while a wearing these gloves. Additionally, you can reload as a free action.

CATALYST: Your melee attack range is instead increased to 10ft.

Osmiomancy Gloves: (Gloves) The Stasis Turret from Bleak Watcher fires an additional time, but the second shot deals 1 damage on a hit.

CATALYST: The second shot deals normal damage instead.

Phoenix Protocol: (Chestpiece) Your Rifts gain one additional turn to their duration. If a hostile creature dies while inside your Rifts, they generate an orb of power.

CATALYST: If an Orb of Power sits within your Rift, you can choose to transmute the Orb of Power to increase the Rift duration by one additional turn. You can do this multiple times as long as Orbs of Power are within the Rift.

Prometheium Spur: (Boots) When you score a final blow, you can choose to expend your Class Ability to create a Rift centered on the slain creature.

CATALYST: The Rift created in this way is both a Healing and Empowering Rift. You may also choose to place the centre point of the rift within 5ft. of where the creature was slain.

Purifier Robes: (Chestpiece) Casting your Well of Radiance forcibly shoves enemies away from the center, to the nearest space outside of the Well. If a valid unoccupied space is not available in the direction they are shoved, they may remain within the Well of Radiance.

CATALYST: If an enemy is shoved, they must also make a DEX SAVE, or fall Prone.

Rain of Fire: (Boots) You ignore movement penalties when using Fusion Rifles or Linear Fusion Rifles.

CATALYST: Your Fusion Rifles and Linear Fusion Rifles deal an additional damage die.

Sanguine Alchemy: (Chestpiece) Your Rift lasts two additional rounds. If you enter another Warlock’s Rift, that Rift lasts one additional round.

CATALYST: While within any Rift, you can use your action to double the Rift's radius until it vanishes. You cannot do this to a Well of Radius, however.

Secant Filaments: (Boots) Feed The Void grants double the damage dice for healing.

CATALYST: Feed the Void instead grants triple the damage dice for healing.

Skull of Dire Ahamkara/Obsidian Mind: (Helmet) Your Nova Bomb deals an additional two damage dice.

CATALYST: After casting your Nova Bomb, you have resistance to all damage until the start of your next turn.

Speaker's Sight: (Helmet) When you use your Grenade, you also create a healing turret on the center point of your Grenade's position. At the end of your turn, you can direct the turret to launch a healing mote at a target within 30ft. of the turret. (no action required.) This mote heals [1d6] damage. The turret lasts for 1 minute. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until the end of a long rest.

Starfire Protocol: (Chestpiece) Your Grenade final blows recharge your Rift if it has been used. Once this feature has been used, it cannot be used again until the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: Casting your Rift also recharges your Grenade. This feature also cannot be used until the end of a long rest.

Stormdancer’s Brace: (Chestpiece) Your Chaos Reach’s range is reduced by 10ft., but deals an additional damage die.

CATALYST: The range is increased to 15ft., and deals two additional damage dice.

Sunbracers: (Gloves) A Charged Melee final blow instantly recharges your Grenade. In addition, your Solar-based Grenades deal an additional [1d6] Solar Damage.

CATALYST: Your Solar-based grenades instead deal an additional [1d10] Solar damage.

Swarmers: (Boots) You generate one additional Threadling when you generate Threadlings.

CATALYST: You generate two additional threadlings instead.

The Impossible Machines: (Gloves) When you cast Chaos Reach, you can instead make it a 10ft. sphere created at a point you can see within 120ft. Same SAVEs and damage applies.

CATALYST: The sphere radius is 15ft. instead.

The Ram: (Helmet) When you take damage while wearing this helmet, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by [1d8]. You can benefit from this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: As a passive bonus, you reduce all incoming damage received by 1, to a minimum of 1, as long as you are wearing this helmet and are attuned to it.

The Stag: (Helmet) Any ally that stands in your Rift, including yourself, gains a defensive buff. When damage is taken, you can subtract [1d4] from any damage dealt to them, to a minimum of 1.

CATALYST: The damage reduction is increased to [1d6] instead.

Transversive Steps: (Boots) While wearing these boots, you gain +10ft. to your movement speed. Additionally, if you use the Dash Action, your equipped weapon is instantly reloaded from reserves. Once the reload feature has been used, it cannot be used again until the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: Once per long rest, you can Dash as a bonus action.

Verity’s Brow: (Helmet) When you score a final blow with your weapon and you have a Grenade charge available, you can use a bonus action on the same turn to throw a Grenade.

CATALYST: If you throw a Grenade this way, choose one allied creature within 10ft. of you. If they do not have a Grenade charge available, they regain it.

Vesper of Radius: (Chestpiece) Your Rift becomes difficult terrain to hostile creatures. Hostile creatures of your choice that enter the Rift or start their turn inside the Rift must make a DEX SAVE, or take [1d4] Arc damage and be knocked 5ft. Away from the center of the Rift.

CATALYST: The effective range of the difficult terrain, damage and shove effects of your Rift increases its radius by 5ft. However, the Rift itself does not have its radius increased.

Voidfang Vestments: (Chestpiece) If you are brought back up to at least 1 hitpoint after being reduced to 0 hitpoints, you regain your Grenade charge. Once this feature has been used, it cannot be used again until the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: You also regain your Charged Melee if it has been spent as well.

The Voodoo Child: (Chestpiece) When you cast your Class Ability, you generate 1 Threadling within 10ft. of yourself, or perched on yourself. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until the end of a long rest. (This stacks with the Weaver's Call Aspect of Power.)

CATALYST: You generate 2 Threadlings with this feature, and they can be generated within 20ft.

Wings of Sacred Dawn: (Chestpiece) This robe contains five charges and regains all charges at the end of a long rest. While in mid-air and gliding, you can use a charge as a free action to reduce your Fall Speed to 0 until the start of your next turn. If you score a final blow while your Fall Speed is 0, your equipped weapon is reloaded from reserves.

CATALYST: There is no longer a charge limit.

Winter’s Guile: (Gloves) All Melee hits by you deal an additional [1d4] Bludgeoning Damage.

CATALYST: The damage die becomes [1d6].