Exotic Armor


Assassin’s Cowl: (Helmet) Charged melee kills turn the Hunter invisible until the start of their next turn. Additionally, the Hunter heals [1d6] damage.

CATALYST: When you activate this feature, you also gain Truesight for 30ft. that lingers for 1 minute.

Athrys’ Embrace: (Gloves) Gunslinger’s Charged Melee deals an additional damage die.

CATALYST: Gunslinger's Charged Melee can now benefit from the Precise weapon property.

ATS/8 Arachnid: (Helmet) When you cast Golden Gun, you can choose to have advantage on one attack during the Super.

CATALYST: You can choose to have advantage on two attacks instead.

ATS/8 Tarantella: (Chestpiece) You gain resistance to Arc damage.

CATALYST: You can choose to change the resisted damage type at the end of a long rest.

Balance of Power: (Boots) While you have a Strand Super equipped, when you use your Dodge, you generate a Threadling within 5ft. of yourself.

CATALYST: You generate 2 Threadlings.

Blight Ranger: (Helmet) Your Arc Staff has the Guard Weapon Property.

CATALYST: If an enemy attacks you and misses while you're affected by the Guard property, you can use your Reaction to immediately make one attack against the attacker.

Bones of Eao: (Boots) You gain an additional jump that lifts you 20ft. higher.

CATALYST: You gain yet another additional jump, but the fourth jump lifts you 10ft. higher. Additionally, you don't incur disadvantage on Stealth checks when you jump.

Caliban’s Hand: (Gloves) Your Throwing Knife range is increased by 5ft.

CATALYST: The range is instead increased by 10ft.

Celestial Nighthawk: (Helmet) Your Golden Gun has only one shot, but it deals [12d10 + [GLevel] + PB] Solar Damage.

CATALYST: If you land a shot, even if it doesn't score a final blow, you generate 3 Orbs of Power.

Crest of Alpha Lupi: (Chestpiece) You generate an additional orb when you cast your Super.

CATALYST: You generate two additional orbs instead.

Buccaneer's Insurance (Chestpiece)

When you use your Dodge, you can make a free Attack on a creature you can see within 10ft. of you. This free attack cannot benefit from a critical hit, even if you roll a 20 on the attack roll.

If you score a Final Blow with this free attack, you regain [1d4] hitpoints.

CATALYST: If you are equipped with and attuned to Lucky Pants or Mechaneer's Tricksleeves at the same time, you can make an additional attack for each attuned.

If you score a Final Blow with any of these attacks, you regain [1d4] hitpoints.

Cyrtarachne’s Facade: (Helmet) When you use your Grapple Grenade, you gain resistance to all damage except Light and Dark until the start of your next turn.

CATALYST: Your Grapple Grenade range is increased by 5ft.

Don’t Touch Me: (Gloves) If you are hit by a melee attack, you can use your reaction to immediately become Invisible until the start of your next turn. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until the end of a short rest.

CATALYST: You can use this feature a number of times equal to your PB. You regain one charge at the end of every short rest, and every charge at the end of a long rest.

Dragon’s Shadow: (Chestpiece) Your Dodge gains an additional 5ft. Of movement.

CATALYST: Your Dodge instead gains an additional 10ft. of movement.

Foetracer: (Helmet) If a creature within 30ft. Is bloodied, (reach half their maximum health) they become marked by you. While marked in this way, your weapon attacks do an additional [1d4] damage. There can be only one mark applied at a time, and a mark can be applied a number of times equal to your PB. If multiple targets meet these conditions at the same time, you pick which target to mark. You regain all charges at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: The damage die is increased to a [1d6].

Frost-EEs: (Boots) After a Dodge, you gains an additional 10ft. Movement speed until the end of that turn.

CATALYST: The movement speed is increased to 15ft.

Gemini Gester: (Boots) If you dodge while within 5ft. of a hostile creature, those creatures have disadvantage on attacks against you until the end of your next turn.

CATALYST: When you apply this effect, choose one creature. That creature must make a DEX SAVE or be Blinded until the end of their next turn.

Gifted Conviction: (Chestpiece) If you deal Arc damage with your Grenade or Charged Melee, choose a target within 10ft. of you that you can see. That target also takes the damage you dealt to the first target.

CATALYST: The range is increased to 15ft.

Graviton Forfeit: (Helmet) When you are invisible, you can reload your weapons as a free action. Upon going invisible, you heal [1d4] damage.

CATALYST: Upon going invisible, you instead heal [1d8] damage.

Gwisin Vest: (Chestpiece) Casting your Void Super causes you to go invisible until the start of your next turn.

CATALYST: The invisibility instead lasts until the end of your next turn, or until you break it early.

Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk: (Chestpiece) While Invisible, your next weapon attack deals an additional [1d12] Void damage.

CATALYST: This attack also applies Weaken on a hit.

Khepri’s Sting: (Gloves) Your Smoke Bomb deals an additional damage die.

CATALYST: Your smoke bomb deals two additional damage dice instead.

Knucklehead Radar: (Helmet) You have advantage on Perception checks that rely on sight, and cannot be surprised.

CATALYST: You also gain advantage on Investigation checks, and gain a +1 to your Initiative rolls.

Liar’s Handshake: (Gloves) Uncharged Melee hits deal an additional damage die.

CATALYST: Uncharged Melee hits deal an additional damage die plus 1.

Lucky Pants: (Boots) While wearing these boots, the Hunter can Attack once as a bonus action. If you’re also wearing Mechaneer’s Tricksleeves, you can attack twice as a bonus action.

CATALYST: The Bonus action attack gains a +1 to the attack and damage rolls. This also stacks with the Mechaneer's Tricksleeves Catalyst.

Lucky Raspberry: (Chestpiece) Your Arcbolt Grenade can chain to one additional target.

CATALYST: If you reach the maximum amount of Arcbolt Grenade chains, you regain your Grenade charge. You can use this feature only once per long rest.

Mask of Bakris: (Helmet) Your Dodge movement is changed into a 10ft. teleport, which can go in any direction to a point you can see. All other Dodge rules apply.

CATALYST: the teleport range is now 15ft.

Mask of the Third Man: (Helmet) You can use a bonus action to gain Magical Darkvision for 1 hour. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: The Magical Darkvision instead lasts for 8 hours.

Mechaneer’s Tricksleeves: (Gloves) While wearing these gloves, the Hunter can Attack once as a bonus action. If you’re also wearing Lucky Pants, you can attack twice as a bonus action.

CATALYST: The Bonus action attack gains a +1 to the attack and damage rolls. This also stacks with the Lucky Pants Catalyst.

Mothkeeper's Wraps: (Gloves) If your grenade's blast radius covers any allied creature, that creature gains half of the rolled damage as Temporary HP. If you are using Ex Diris, if a Friendly Moth "Perches", you heal [1d4] damage.

CATALYST: An affected allied creature gains all of the rolled damage as Temporary Hitpoints.

Oathkeeper: (Gloves) When you make an Attack with a bow, you can choose to have advantage on the attack roll. You can use this feature twice, and regain both uses at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: You can use this feature a number of times equal to your PB instead, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

Omnioculus: (Chestpiece) If you make another creature invisible, they gain resistance to all damage except Light and Dark until the end of their next turns.

CATALYST: If you make another creature invisible, they also deal an additional [2d4] Void damge on their next hit.

Ophidia Spathe: (Chestpiece) You have two melee charges while wearing this armour, but the second one returns only at the end of a long rest. If you regain your Charged Melee through Dodging, you only gain one charge.

CATALYST: The second charge also returns on a short rest. The Charged Melee limitation remains.

Orpheus Rig: (Boots) Targets stunned by your Shadowshot are instead stunned until the end of their next turn.

CATALYST: You generate an additional Orbs of Power upon casting your Super.

Radiant Dance Machines: (Boots)

When you use your Dodge, you may Dodge an additional time on the next subsequent turn. However, you only gain the base movement benefits of this bonus Dodge. (EG. you do not reload your weapons or regain your Charged Melee a second time through the bonus dodge.)

CATALYST: You are no longer limited to just your movement bonus with the bonus Dodge.

Raiden Flux: (Chespiece) Subsequent hits with your Arc Staff Weapon Attacks deal an additional damage die, up to a maximum of 3 extra damage dice.

CATALYST: When you make your first attack with your Arc Staff weapon, you start off with one additional damage die.

Raiju’s Harness: (Chestpiece) As a bonus action, you can drop your Arc Super early. Doing so grants resistance to all damage except Light and Dark until the start of your next turn.

CATALYST: If you deactivate your Super early and you have not yet generated the maximum number of Orbs, you generate the remainder.

Renewal Grasps: (Gloves) Your Duskfield Grenade’s radius increases by 5ft.

CATALYST: If you or an ally enter or start their turn within the Duskfield Grenade radius, they gain 2 stacks of Frost Armor.

Sealed Ahamkara Grasps: (Gloves) Hitting a target with your Charged Melee reloads all your weapons from reserves.

CATALYST: If you activate this feature while any of your equipped weapons are empty, your Charged Melee also deals an additional damage die.

Shards of Galanor: (Gloves) Allows the Hunter to replace their Charged Melee with a new Charged Melee. This version throws three Light Shurikens at three different targets within 20ft. Make an attack roll for each shuriken. Each hit deals [1d6] damage matching their [GSubclass].

CATALYST: The damage dice is increased to [1d8].

Shinobu’s Vow: (Gloves) Your Skip Grenade creates 1 additional Seeker.

CATALYST: Your Skip Grenade instead creates 2 additional Seekers.

Skyburner’s Annex: (Helmet) If you score a final blow with a Heavy Weapon, roll a [1d20]. On a 15 or higher, you generate an Orb of Power.

CATALYST: On a 10 or higher, you generate an Orb of Power.

Speedloader Slacks: (Boots) Dodging while within 20ft. of nearby allies instantly reloads all of their weapons.

CATALYST: If an ally benefits from this feature, their next weapon attack deals an additional [1d4] damage matching their weapon's damage type.

Star-Eater Scales: (Boots) While wearing these boots, all Supers deal an additional damage die for their various sources.

CATALYST: If you pick up an Orb of Power on the same turn as when you activate your Super, your Supers deal two additional damage dice instead.

Stomp-EEs: (Boots) The Hunter’s walking speed increases by 10ft.

CATALYST: The walking speed bonus is increased to 15ft.

The Bombardiers: (Boots) Dodging leaves an explosive at the space where the dodge began. All hostile creatures within 5ft. Of the explosive must make a DEX SAVE or take [1d6] damage matching the Hunter’s [GSubclass].

CATALYST: Depending on the damage type, failed SAVEs also apply at-most one stack of a corresponding Status Effect. For instance, a Void explosive will apply Weaken, and a Stasis explosive will apply one stack of Chill.

The Sixth Coyote: (Chestpiece) You gain a second Dodge charge. This second charge returns only on a Long Rest.

CATALYST: The second charge returns on a short rest instead.

Triton Vice: (Gloves) You can reload Glaives with a free action. While you are within 10ft. of two or more hostile creatures, your Glaive’s melee attack deals an additional damage die matching your [GSubclass].

CATALYST: The additional damage applies even if you're not within range of two or more hostile creatures.

Wormhusk Crown: (Helmet) Dodging heals the Hunter [1d6] damage.

CATALYST: Dodging instead heals [1d10] damage.

Young Ahamkara’s Spine: (Gloves) Your Tripmine Grenade lasts for 24 hours.

CATALYST: Your Tripmine Grenade's range is doubled.