Exotic Armor


Abeyant Leap: (Boots) Drengr’s Lash allows you to target two creatures instead of one. All other rules apply.

CATALYST: You can target up to 3 creatures instead.

ACD/0 Feedback Fence: (Gloves) If you are hit by a melee attack, your next melee attack deals an additional [1d4] Arc Damage.

CATALYST: The damage die is a [1d8]

Actium War Rig: (Chestpiece) You can reload your Auto Rifles and Light Machine Guns as a free action.

CATALYST: Your Auto Rifles and Light Machine guns deal an additional 1 damage on hits.

An Insurmountable Skullfort: (Helmet) A Charged Melee Kill heals you for [2d4] damage. When healed in this way, roll [1d20]. On a 20, you instantly regain your Charged Melee.

CATALYST: On a 19 or 20, you regain your Charged Melee.

Antaeus Wards: (Boots) When you are hit by an attack, roll [1d20]. On a 20, the attack is redirected toward a hostile creature you can see within 10ft. Of you. If there are no creatures within this radius, you instead resist that instance of damage.

CATALYST: The effect applies on a 19 or 20.

Arbor Warden: (Chestpiece) You can place your Barricade in any position within 20ft. of you, but it must still face away from you.

CATALYST: The range is increased to 40ft.

Armamentarium: (Chestpiece) While wearing this chestpiece, you gain an additional Grenade charge. This Grenade charge only comes back on a long rest.

CATALYST: The Grenade charge returns on a short rest.

Ashen Wake: (Gloves) Solar Fusion Grenades deal an additional damage die.

CATALYST: Scoring a kill with a Solar Fusion Grenade also creates a Solar Flare centered on the slain creature. If the grenade kills more than one creature, you choose which creature the Solar Flare appears on.

Cadmus Ridge Lancecap: (Helmet) Diamond Lance deals an additional damage die.

CATALYST: Diamond Lance also creates a Stasis Construct at the point of impact.

Citan’s Ramparts: (Gloves) Your Barricade lasts until the end of your next turn. Allies can freely shoot through your barricade.

CATALYST: Your barricade lasts the same number of turns as normal.

Crest of Alpha Lupi: (Chestpiece) You generate an additional orb when you cast your Super.

CATALYST: You generate two additional orbs instead.

Cuirass of the Falling Star: (Chestpiece) Your Thundercrash deals an additional damage die for both the impact and the explosion.

CATALYST: You instead deal two additional damage dice.

Doomfang Pauldron: (Gloves) If you don’t have a Melee Charge when you cast Ward of Dawn, Ward of Dawn lasts an additional turn.

CATALYST: If you don't have a Grenade charge either, Ward of Dawn lasts two additional turns.

Dunemarchers: (Boots) While wearing these boots, you gain +10ft. to your movement speed.

CATALYST: You instead gain +15ft. movement speed.

Empyrean Bellicose: (Helmet) When you use any jumping ability, You can hover in mid-air until the start of your next turn. You can use this feature twice, and regain both uses at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: You can use this ability four times instead, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

Eternal Warrior: (Helmet) When you cast an Arc Super, you heal [1d12] hitpoints.

CATALYST: The healing is increased to [2d12].

Hallowfire Heart: (Chestpiece) While you wear this chestplate, you cannot cast your super. Instead, you gain three charges of light. One charge can be used as a free action to recharge your Charged Melee, Grenade, or Barricade, if they have been used. Once a charge is used, it cannot be used again until the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: You gain an additional charge.

Hazardous Propulsion: (Chestpiece) When you cast your Barricade, you create 3 micro-missiles. Choose any number of targets and make an attack roll for each missile. On a hit, a micro-missile deals [1d4+1] Kinetic damage. If you make a hit with three micro-missiles, your next shot with a Rocket Launcher deals an additional damage die.

CATALYST: You launch 5 micro-missiles instead. Additionally, the damage becomes [1d6+1].

Heart of Inmost Light: (Chestpiece) Scoring a final blow with your Grenade or Charged Melee supercharges the other- if it is available. Each deal an additional damage die. This cannot stack with Helm of Inmost Light.

CATALYST: This can now stack with the Helm of Inmost Light. (You only need one of either to have the Catalyst to receive this benefit.)

Helm of Inmost Light: (Helmet) Scoring a final blow with your Grenade or Charged Melee supercharges the other- if it is available. Each deal an additional damage die. This cannot stack with Heart of Inmost Light.

CATALYST: This can now stack with the Heart of Inmost Light. (You only need one of either to have the Catalyst to receive this benefit.)

Helm of Saint-14: When you cast your Ward of Dawn, All creatures of your choice within the radius must make a DEX SAVE or be Blinded until the end of their respective turns.

CATALYST: Creatures of your choice no longer need to make a DEX SAVE. As long as they are within the Ward of Dawn, they are Blinded until the end of their respective turns.

Hoarfrost-Z: (Chestpiece) When you cast your Barricade, creatures of your choice within the barricade’s space take two stacks of Chill.

CATALYST: For each stack of Chill you apply, you gain that many stacks of Frost Armor.

Icefall Mantle: (Gloves) Your Barricade is replaced with the ability to give yourself 20 Temporary Hitpoints.

CATALYST: You also grant yourself two stacks of Frost Armor when you use this feature.

Immolation Fists: (Gloves) Your Hammer of Sol applies three stacks of Burn instead of one.

CATALYST: Kills made with your Hammer of Sol immediately Ignite.

Khepri’s Horn: (Helmet) If you cast your barricade, any hostile creature within 5ft. Of the front of the barricade must make a DEX SAVE or take [1d6] Solar Damage and be shoved 10ft. away from you.

CATALYST: Failed SAVEs also apply one stack of Burn.

Lion Rampant: (Boots) Your Glide Speed becomes 20ft. while wearing these boots, and your fall speed becomes 10ft. while gliding.

CATALYST: As a bonus action, you can give yourself a flying speed of 50ft. This effect lasts for 1 minute, and you cannot use it again until the end of a long rest. If you are also wearing Twilight Garrison, this feature instead lasts for 10 minutes.

Loreley Splendor Helm: (Helmet) When you reach 0 hitpoints, you stand back up with 1 hitpoint. Once this feature has been used, it cannot be used again for the next [1d6] days.

CATALYST: Once the feature has been used, it returns in [1d3] days instead.

Mask of the Quiet One: (Helmet) If you have 10 health or less, A kill made by you heals [3d8] damage. Once this feature has been used, it cannot be used again until the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: You can use this feature twice per long rest.

Mk.44 Stand Asides: (Boots) When you take the Dash Action, you can reduce all damage against you by 1, to a minimum of 1, until the start of your next turn. You can benefit from this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: You instead reduce damage by 2, to a minimum of 1.

No Backup Plans: (Gloves) Scoring a kill with a Shotgun grants you 5 Temporary Hitpoints.

CATALYST: Scoring a kill with a shotgun grants stacking Temporary Hitpoints, to a maximum of 10.

One-Eyed Mask: (Helmet) When you are directly damaged by a creature, you can use your reaction to mark the creature. You have advantage on your next attack against the marked target. If the target is defeated with this attack, you gain 5 Temporary Hitpoints.

CATALYST: If the target is not killed by the marked attack, but still hits, you still gain 5 Temporary Hitpoints.

Path of the Burning Steps: (Boots) Your Solar hits deal an additional [1d4] Solar damage.

CATALYST: In addition, you have resistance to Stasis and cold environments.

Peacekeepers: (Boots) Your equipped SMGs have their range extended by 5ft. Additionally, you can reload SMGs as a free action.

CATALYST: If your equipped SMG does not have the Lightweight property, it now does while you wear these boots.

Peregrine Greaves: (Boots) If you land a melee hit while in mid-air, you deal an additional [1d6] damage matching your [GSubclass]. You can benefit from this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST:The damage die becomes a [1d10].

Phoenix Cradle: (Boots) Your Solar Flares have a radius of 10ft.

CATALYST: The radius is increased to 15ft.

Point-Contact Brace: (Gloves) Your Arc Charged Melee has its range increased by 10ft.

CATALYST: The range is instead increased by 20ft.

Precious Scars: (Helmet) If you revive a downed Guardian, both you and the revived Guardian gain [1d12] Temporary Health.

CATALYST: The temporary Hitpoints is increased to [2d12].

Pyrogale Gauntlets: (Gloves) Your Sunbreaker Super becomes a single giant hammer throw that deals [9d12 + GLevel + PB]. Additionally, when you cast your Super while attuned to these gauntlets, you create a 10ft. radius Solar Flare centered on yourself.

CATALYST: You generate two Orbs of Power upon casting your Super. This counts to your total.

Ruin Wings: (Gloves) When you hit with an Attack with a Weapon, you can choose to make its damage type Light. You may benefit from this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: You may benefit from this feature a number of times equal to twice your PB instead.

Second Chance: (Gloves) You change your Defensive Strike into a Shield Throw, with a range of 20ft. / 40ft. And it Weakens on Hit.

CATALYST: The Shield Throw also has Anti-Barrier properties.

Severance Enclosure: (Chestpiece) final blows with your Charged Melee explode, causing all all creatures of your choice within a 10ft. radius to make a DEX SAVE. On a fail, a creature takes the triggering Charged Melee damage.

CATALYST:The range is increased to 15ft.

Stronghold: (Gloves) While Guarding with a Sword, you have resistance to all damage except for Light and Dark. If you block an attack as a result of the bonus provided by Guard, your next attack deals double damage. (EG: If your normal AC is 15, and the attack roll is a 15, and your Guard brings your AC to a 16, you gain the bonus damage. If in that same scenario, that attack is instead a 14, you do not gain the bonus damage.) You can benefit from the bonus damage feature a number of times equal to your PB (rounded up) and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: If any attack against you fails to hit while you're Guarding, regardless of the roll, you gain the double damage feature.

Synthoceps: (Gloves) While wearing these gloves, if you make a melee attack, you can move a free extra 5ft. As you lunge towards a target.

CATALYST: You can move an extra 10ft. instead.

Taikonaut: (Helmet) Your equipped Rocket Launchers deal an additional damage die.

CATALYST: You are no longer affected by the Long range penalties for Rocket Launchers.

Thagomizers: (Gloves) You gain two melee charges, but the second one returns only at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: The second charge now also returns on a short rest.

The Glasshouse: (Helmet) While you or an ally is benefitting from Weapons of Light, they also gain a +1 to their attack rolls for the same duration.

CATALYST: The bonus to attack rolls is a +2 instead.

Twilight Garrison: (Chestpiece) Your Glide Speed becomes 20ft. while wearing this armor, and your fall speed becomes 10ft. while gliding.

CATALYST: Your weapons benefit from the effects of Icarus Grip if they do not already do so already.

Ursa Furiosa: (Gloves) Ranged Attacks can be made through your Ward of Dawn dome. You choose any number of creatures who benefit from this feature.

CATALYST: Attacks made that pass through the Ward of Dawn dome also apply Weaken if they don't do so already.

Wishful Ignorance: (Gloves) You gain a second melee charge, but the second charge returns only at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: The second charge also returns on a short rest.

Wormgod Caress: (Gloves) Your melee hits deal an additional [1d4] Bludgeoning Damage.

CATALYST: The damage die is [1d6].