Exotic Weapons

Ergo Sum is a blade forged in the Light of the Traveller itself, as unique as the Guardian who finds their own in its make and capabilities. No two blades are the same. (theoretically.)

When you find an Ergo Sum Exotic Sword, you roll from three tables. The first table contains Frames, which dictate the construction and restrictions of the sword. The second table dictates the Element of the sword. When an Element is decided, you then choose the corresponding second table to roll an Intrinsic Trait for the sword.

Table 1: Frame

Roll [1d4]





This sword has the Rapid-Fire Property



This sword has the Lightweight Property



This sword has the Precise Property


Player's Choice

Table 2: Element

Roll [1d4]









Player's Choice

Table 3-6: Intrinsic Trait

Roll [1d8]

Trait (Arc)

Trait (Solar)

Trait (Void)


Wolfpack Rounds

Wolfpack Rounds

Wolfpack Rounds


Gathering Light

Gathering Light

Gathering Light


Arc Conductor

Sacred Flame

Unplanned Reprieve



The Perfect Fifth

Insectoid Robot Grenades

Wolfpack Rounds: (Any)

If any number of allies are within 10ft. of you when you hit a creature with this sword, their next attack with their equipped Swords all deal an additional damage die.

Gathering Light: (Any)

When you score a final blow with this weapon, you gain a Charge of Light. When you gain 5 charges, you can spend them as a bonus action to regain one of your choice: Grenade, Charged Melee, or Class Ablity.

Arc Conductor: (Arc Only)

Wielding this weapon makes you resistant to Arc damage. If you take Arc damage before your next turn, your attacks with this weapon deal an additional damage die until the end of your next turn.

Stormbringer: (Arc Only)

If you hit a target twice in a row with this weapon without missing, a bolt of energy strikes the same enemy for [1d6] Arc damage.

CATALYST: Reshape Cogito

At the end of a long rest, you may re-roll the Frame, Element, and Intrinsic Trait of this weapon. You may use this feature once for free after you unlock this feature. Any subsequent uses of this feature will cost 1000 Glimmer per use.

Sacred Flame: (Solar Only)

As a bonus action, you can mark a creature within 40ft. of you. The creature is marked for 1 minute. When you hit a marked creature with this weapon, it deals an additional damage die.

The Perfect Fifth: (Solar Only)

This sword applies a stack of Burn on a hit. Additionally, if a creature is hit five times with this weapon in a single encounter, that creature immediately Ignites.

Unplanned Reprieve: (Void Only)

This weapon deals an additional damage die. On a final blow with this weapon, you generate an Orb of Power. You can generate an orb of power once, and regain that use at the end of a long rest.

Insectoid Robot Grenades: (Void Only)

When you score a final blow against a creature, an insectoid grenade is generated on the space where the defeated creature stood. As a free action, you can direct the insectoid grenade to a spot within 60ft. of you. You don't need to see that point, but there must be a clear path to that point, up to a space 2 inches in diameter. The Insectoid Robot explodes in a 10ft. radius. Creatures of your choice within the radius must make a DEX SAVE or take [1d8] Void damage.