Exotic Weapons


These special weapons may be utilized for Mechanics on certain enemies. This list is for using such weapons as normal. In general, these weapons last up to 1 minute or until certain criteria are met.

The Aegis: (Light) This Light-infused Shield artifact has the Guard feature. On a melee attack, the Aegis deals [2d10] Light damage. As an action, you can spend 20 Super Points to fire a 120ft. long, 5ft. wide line. Creatures of your choice within the line must make a DEX SAVE or take [12d12] Light damage. Once this blast has been used, the Aegis vanishes.

The Sword of Crota (Dark) This is a +3 Sword that deals [2d10] Dark Damage. Once three attacks have been made with this Sword, it vanishes.

Void/Arc/Solar Vex Cranium/Crystal: (Varies)

Light/Dark Beam Prism: (Varies)

These +2 beam weapons hold 2 shots, and has a range of 200ft. On a hit, these beam weapons deal [2d12] damage matching their respective types. Once the two shots are spent, the Prism or Cranium vanishes.

Void/Arc/Solar Charge (Varies) These spherical Charges last 1 minute, and take two hands to carry. While you are carrying one of these Charges, you can add a [1d4] damage of the corresponding element to all your Melee attacks.

The Valkyrie: (Solar) The Valkyrie has the Thrown property and has a range of 60ft/90ft. When it is thrown, the Valkyrie explodes in a 15ft. Sphere. All creatures of the user’s choice must make a DEX SAVE based on the user’s [MASMod]. On a failed save, a creature takes [8d6] Solar damage and takes one stack of Burn. On a successful save, they take half damage and are not Burned. Once the Valkyrie has been thrown, it vanishes.

Null/Shock/Scorch Cannon: (Varies) These Eliksni cannons hold 3 shots and have a range of 120ft. On a hit, they deal [2d8] Void, Arc, or Solar damage. (Respectively) Once all three shots are spent, the Cannon vanishes.

Taken Blight: (Dark) This weapon has three charges and a range of 90ft. You can spend one charge to fire a shot that deals [1d8] Dark damage, or spend 3 charges to emit a 15ft. radius sphere centered on yourself. All creatures of your choice within the blast must make a DEX SAVE or take [3d8] Dark damage. Once all charges are spent, the Blight vanishes.

Scythe of the Reaper: (Solar) This +3 weapon lasts for 1 minute upon being picked up, and vanishes early when dropped. It has a range of 10ft., and deals [2d10] Solar damage on a hit. The Scythe also applies one stack of Burn on a hit.