Exotic Weapons


The Lament: (Solar)

This sword has Anti-Barrier capability, and deals an additional damage die on a hit. Additionally, if you destroy a combatant's Shield, you gain half the attack's damage back as health.

CATALYST: This weapon has the Lightweight Property.

Black Talon: (Void)

This weapon has a long-ranged attack with a range of 40ft. The long range attack deals [1d10] Void damage.

CATALYST: The range is 50ft.

Bolt-Caster: (Arc)

This weapon has a long-ranged attack with a range of 40ft. The long range attack deals [1d10] Arc damage.

CATALYST: The range is 50ft.

Raze-Lighter: (Solar)

As part of your attack, you can take a -5 to your attack roll. On a hit, you deal an additional 10 Solar damage. You can use this feature twice, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: If you land this special attack roll, you are bathed in healing flame, and heal [2d4] damage.

Dark-Drinker: (Void)

As one of your Attacks with this weapon, you can unleash a whirlwind. Make an Attack roll against any Creatures of your choice within 5ft. of you. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: The range for the Whirlwind is 10ft.

Worldline Zero: (Arc)

When you make an Attack with this weapon, you can teleport 10ft. in any direction to a point you can see.

CATALYST: The teleport range is 20ft.

Heartshadow: (Void)

If you score a final blow with this weapon, you gain Invisibility until the end of your next turn.

CATALYST: This Invisibility lasts for 1 minute.

Young Wolf’s Howl: (Solar)

As one of your Attacks, you can unleash a flaming Wolf’s head against a target up to 10ft. away. On a hit, the target is Burned.

CATALYST: The range for the Wolf’s head is 20ft.

Same Grace: (Kinetic/Void)

At first glance, it appears to be a 4ft. training sword made from mahogany. When in its Void form, the mahogany becomes coated in obsidian, and Void energy ripples out at twice its length.

You can use a bonus action to switch it between its Kinetic form and its Void form. When you score a final blow with an Attack with this weapon in either form, you generate one Memory Trace to a maximum of 5.

You can spend all available charges as an action or as part of your Attack action, depending on the weapon's current form. The effects are listed below.

While in its Kinetic form:

When you spend Memory Traces in this form, choose a creature within 60ft. of you except for yourself. For each charge spent, the creature heals 1 Hitpoint. Additionally, for each charge spent, the target creature is granted +1 to their AC until the end of their next turn.

While in its Void form:

This weapon has a melee range of 10ft.

When you spend Memory Traces on this form, you spend them when you hit with an attack. For every charge, you deal an additional [1d6] Void damage on a hit. If you spend 5 charges at once, you also critical hit on an 18-20.

CATALYST: Both forms are combined into one, and when you spend Memory Traces, you can choose use either effect, or both effects at once. If you use both effects at once, roll 1d100. On a 10 or lower, the sword shatters, but the effects are tripled. Additionally, for the attack that hits when the sword shatters, you score a critical hit on a 16-20.