Exotic Weapons


Witherhoard: (Corruption)

This Grenade Launcher has the Special property instead of Power. 1 round magazine. A Blight lingers for 1 round after the initial blast, which shares the radius. A creature that first enters this lingering radius or starts their turn within the radius takes an additional [1d12] Corruption damage.

CATALYST: The Blight lingers for 2 rounds.

Fighting Lion: (Void)

This Grenade Launcher has the Special property instead of Power. 1 round magazine. If you score a direct hit with this weapon, you deal an extra damage die to that target.

CATALYST: If you score a direct hit with this weapon, you instantly reload it from reserves.

Dead Messenger: (Varies)

This Grenade Launcher has the Special property instead of Power. 1 round magazine. This grenade launcher’s blast radius is a 20ft. cone facing away from you. As a bonus action, you can change the element between Solar, Void, and Arc.

CATALYST: You can change the element as a free action.

Prospector: (Arc)

Magazine Size: 6

Grenade Launcher. You can fire 2 grenades for every attack, and spend 2 ammo with each attack. However, each grenade deals [3d6] damage.

CATALYST: You spend only 1 ammo when you fire 2 grenades.

The Colony: (Void)

This Grenade Launcher can target a point around corners. You don’t necessarily need to see the target point, but there must be a clear path to that point, up to a space 2 inches in diameter.

CATALYST: Creatures make their SAVEs at disadvantage against this weapon.

Anarchy: (Arc)

Magazine Size: 6

This Grenade Launcher fires Arc Mines, that function identically to Tripmine Grenades. [Refer to the Tripmine Grenade Aspect of Power]

CATALYST: The Mines last for 24 hours.

Salvation’s Grip: (Stasis)

Grenade Launcher. Targets that fail their saves take one stack of Chill.

CATALYST: Targets that fail their saves take two stacks of Chill.

Parasite: (Solar)

Magazine Size: 1

If you score a final blow with other weapons, this weapon gains a charge up to a maximum of 10. These charges last until the end of a long rest. The next time you fire this grenade launcher, it spends all charges at once and deals an additional [1d6] Solar damage per stored charge.

CATALYST: Charges grant [2d4] Solar damage instead.

Ex Diris: (Arc)

Magazine Size: 1

This Grenade Launcher has the Special property instead of Power. When you fire this weapon, it is instantly reloaded again from reserves.

Once per turn, if you score a final blow, you create a Friendly Moth. The Friendly Moth functions identically to Threadlings (See Broodweaver)

Unlike Threadlings, Moths vanish if they perch or meet the requirements to vanish.

The Moth deals Arc damage, and forces a CON SAVE from the target. Failed saves make the target Blinded until the start of their next turn.

CATALYST: This weapon gains the Rapid Fire property.

Gjallarhorn: (Solar)

Rocket Launcher. Rockets fired from this weapon explode into 5 Seekers, which each track towards any number of targets of your choice within the initial radius. These seekers hit simultaneously to deal an additional [1d8] Solar damage per Seeker.

CATALYST: Gjallarhorn Seekers deal [1d12] damage.

Additionally, if any number of allies are within 5ft. of you when you fire the Gjallarhorn, their next shot with their equipped Rocket Launchers also generates 3 Seekers. These Seekers function identically, but deal [1d8] damage matching the element of their equipped Rocket Launcher.

Truth: (Void)

Magazine Size: 2

CATALYST: The Magazine size is 3.

Wardcliff Coil: (Arc)

This Rocket Launcher fires micro-rockets in a 30ft. cone. All targets within the cone must make a DEX Save or take [12d6] Arc damage.

CATALYST: The missiles now fire in a 60ft. cone.

Two-Tailed Fox: (Varies)

Magazine Size: 1

This Rocket Launcher fires two payloads on the same area. One deals [3d6] Void Damage, and the other deals [3d6] Solar damage.

CATALYST: This weapon fires an additional rocket, which deals [3d6] Arc damage. Additionally, when targets fail their SAVEs against the rockets, roll a [1d6]. On a 1-2, failed saves are Weakened. On a 3-4, failed saves take one stack of Burn. On a 5-6, failed saves are Jolted.

Deathbringer: (Void)

Rocket Launcher. Rockets fired from this weapon explode into 5 Seekers, which each track towards any number of targets within the radius. These seekers hit simultaneously to deal an additional [1d8] Void damage per Seeker.

CATALYST: Deathbringer Seekers deal [1d12] damage each.

Eyes of Tomorrow: (Solar)

The radius of shots from this Rocket Launcher is 10ft. However, targets make their saving throws at disadvantage.

CATALYST: If you hit 4 targets with a single rocket, you refund the rocket. Once you benefit from this feature, you cannot do so again until the end of a long rest.

Dragon’s Breath: (Solar)

This Rocket Launcher does not have an initial blast, but instead creates a Solar Grenade at the blast point. [Refer to the Solar Grenade Aspect of Power.]

CATALYST: This Solar grenade benefits from other Aspects of Power.

Vex Acquisitor (WIP)

As a bonus action, you can manifest a 10ft. radius ring in a space within 5ft. of you. This ring lasts for 1 minute. If you shoot at a target through this ring, your shot deals an additional Solar damage. Once you manifest a ring, you cannot do so again until the end of a long rest.