Exotic Weapons


Heir Apparent: (Solar)

This weapon is a +1 weapon. You make two attacks per attack with this weapon.

CATALYST: This weapon is a +2 weapon.

Xenophage: (Solar)

This weapon has a magazine of 1. It fires an explosive payload to a 10ft. sphere within range. Creatures of your choice within that sphere must make a DEX SAVE or take [5d6] Solar damage, or half on a successful save.

CATALYST: This weapon has a magazine of 3.

Super Good Advice: (Solar)

If you miss a shot with this weapon, you reload that shot from reserves. You can benefit from this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: On a critical hit, you also reload a shot from reserves.

Nemesis Star: (Void)

If you land four hits in a row without missing, you regain your Grenade charge. Once you benefit from this feature, you cannot do so again until the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: You benefit from this feature if you land three hits in a row.

Thunderlord: (Arc)

If you hit a target twice in a row with this weapon without missing, a bolt of energy strikes the same enemy for [1d6] Arc damage.

CATALYST: The bolt of energy returns 1 round to the magazine.

Nova Mortis: (Void)

If you hit a target twice in a row with this weapon without missing, a bolt of energy strikes the same enemy for [1d6] Void damage.

CATALYST: The bolt of energy returns 1 round to the magazine.

Abbadon: (Solar)

If you hit a target twice in a row with this weapon without missing, a bolt of energy strikes the same enemy for [1d6] Solar damage.

CATALYST: The bolt of energy returns 1 round to the magazine.

Grand Overture: (Arc)

As an action, you can fire a volley of blinding missiles to a 10ft. sphere within range. Creatures of your choice within that sphere must make a DEX SAVE or be Blinded until the start of their next turn. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: They are blinded until the end of their next turn.

Deterministic Chaos: (Void)

On a hit where the dice roll is 12 or higher, the target is also Weakened.

CATALYST: On a hit where the dice roll is 8 or higher, the target is also Weakened.