Exotic Weapons


Chaperone: (Kinetic)

This Slug Shotgun has Accurized Rounds. On a Precise hit, your next hit deals an extra [1d6] Kinetic Damage.

CATALYST: This weapon gains an additional 10ft. range.

Lord of Wolves: (Solar)

This Pellet Shotgun deals [6d4] damage on a hit.

CATALYST: This weapon has Accurized Rounds.

Fourth Horseman: (Arc)

Magazine Size: 4

This is a Pellet Shotgun. You can use an action to fire all four barrels in quick succession. Take a -10 to the attack roll. On a hit, you deal every shot’s worth of damage, plus 10 Arc damage.

CATALYST: You take a -5 on the attack roll instead of -10.

Duality: (Solar)

You can use a Bonus Action to switch this shotgun between Slug and Pellet.

CATALYST: You can change firing modes as a free action.

Tractor Cannon: (Void)

This Pellet Shotgun has the Power Property. On a hit, the target is Weakened.

CATALYST: If a target dies while Weakened by this weapon, you heal [2d8] damage. Once you benefit from this feature, you cannot do so again until the end of a long rest.

Legend of Acrius: (Arc)

This Pellet Shotgun has a 1 Shot magazine and the Power Property. Long Range does not impose disadvantage. You deal [6d12] Arc damage on a hit.

CATALYST: Targets hit by this weapon are also Jolted.

Conditional Finality: (Stasis/Solar)

This Pellet Shotgun has a 2-round magazine. The first shell deals Stasis damage and the second shell deals Solar damage. If either shot hits while a target is within 5ft. of you, they gain one stack of Chill or Burn depending on the shot.

CATALYST: Chill and Burn are applied when targets are within 15ft. of you.

Universal Remote: (Kinetic)

This Pellet Shotgun has Accurized Rounds.

CATALYST: The benefits of Pellet on this weapon are doubled.

Invective: (Solar)

This Pellet Shotgun has a magazine size of 3, deals an additional damage die, and regains all shots at the end of a long rest. You cannot manually reload this weapon.

CATALYST: The magazine size increases to 6.