Exotic Weapons


Arbalest: (Kinetic)

This Linear Fusion Rifle has the Special property instead of Power. This weapon has Anti-Barrier rounds.

CATALYST: Breaking an elemental shield with this weapon causes the next shot to deal an additional damage die.

Lorentz Driver: (Void)

Scoring a final blow with this weapon causes a Void explosion, covering a 10ft. sphere centered on the slain target. Creatures within the sphere must make a DEX SAVE or take [1d6] Void damage.

CATALYST: The explosion deals [1d8] Void damage.

One Thousand Voices: (Solar)

This Fusion Rifle has the Power Property, and it deals [9d6] Solar Damage.

CATALYST: This weapon applies two stacks of Burn on a hit, to both the target, and one additional target of your choice within 5ft. of the initial target.

Queenbreaker: (Arc)

This Linear Fusion Rifle has two firing modes. You can use a bonus action to change firing modes:

Combat Sights removes long range, but deals an additional damage die.

Marksman Sights doubles the range, and you don’t roll long-range attack rolls at disadvantage.

CATALYST: You can change firing modes as a free action.

Sleeper Simulant: (Solar)

Magazine Size: 1

This Linear Fusion Rifle has the Power property. Instead of an attack roll, you fire a 300ft. long, 5ft. wide line. Creatures caught in this line must make a DEX SAVE or take [8d12] Solar damage, or half on a successful save.

CATALYST: This weapon has a 2 round magazine.

Tesselation: (Varies)

This Fusion Rifle's damage type matches your equipped subclass. It also has Demolitionist.

You can use a bonus action to spend your Grenade charge to quadruple the damage dice of this weapon.

Merciless: (Solar)

Magazine Size: 2

On a hit that doesn’t kill, your next attack with this weapon has advantage.

CATALYST: This weapon has a 4 round magazine.

Jotunn: (Solar)

This Fusion Rifle has Accurized Rounds. Targets hit by this weapon take one stack of Burn.

CATALYST: Targets hit by this weapon take 2 stacks of Burn.

Telesto: (Void)

This Fusion Rifle deals an additional Void damage die. On a final blow with this weapon, you generate an Orb of Power. You can generate an orb of power once, and regain that use at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: You can generate an Orb of Power twice with this weapon, and regain both uses at the end of a long rest.

(Cursed House Rule: If you land a Final Blow with this weapon, you can choose to roll an effect on the Wild Magic table... Or any random effect table of the DM's choice. Telesto Lives.)

Delicate Tomb: (Arc)

Magazine Size: 1

This Fusion Rifle fires in a 15ft. cone. Creatures caught in this cone must make a DEX SAVE or take the weapon’s damage.

CATALYST: The cone’s range is 20ft.

Pocket Infinity: (Solar)

This Fusion Rifle has the Rapid Fire property.

CATALYST: Scoring a final blow returns 1 round to the magazine from reserves. You may benefit from this feature twice, and regain both uses at the end of a long rest.

Plan C: (Arc)

This Fusion Rifle deals an additional two damage dice as long as your other weapons are empty.

CATALYST: You gain this benefit if only one of your weapons is empty.

Euphony: (Strand)

This Linear Fusion Rifle creates a Threadling when you score a final blow on a creature.

CATALYST: If you damage a creature with a Threadling on your turn or on your previous turn, this weapon deals an additional damage die.