Exotic Weapons


Izanagi’s Burden: (Kinetic)

Magazine Size: 4

You can use a bonus action to convert all shots in the magazine for a single shot. You take a -5 penalty to your next shot. On a hit, you deal damage equal to the number of damage dice of each bullet you converted. If you convert 4 rounds at once before you fire, you deal an additional [1d12] Kinetic Damage.

CATALYST: A round converted from 4 rounds deals an additional [2d12] Kinetic damage instead.

Cloudstrike: (Arc)

If you hit a target twice in a row with this weapon without missing, a bolt of energy strikes the same enemy for [1d6] Arc damage.

CATALYST: If you cause the bolt of energy to strike, your magazine reloads 1 round from reserves.

Whisper of the Worm/Black Spindle: (Solar)

This weapon has a magazine size of 3. If you hit a target three times in a row with this weapon without missing, the three shots are instantly reloaded from reserves.

CATALYST: The rounds are refunded entirely.

No Land Beyond: (Kinetic)

Magazine Size: 1

This bolt action rifle’s range is 200ft/400ft. and deals an additional damage die.

CATALYST: You gain a +1 to Dexterity (Stealth) rolls.

Icebreaker: (Solar)

Magazine Size: 3

This weapon deals an additional damage die, and regains all expended shots at the end of a long rest. You cannot manually reload this weapon.

CATALYST: The magazine size increases to 6.

You can also regain 1 shot on a short rest, but you can only use this feature once per long rest.

Hereafter: (Arc)

If you are Prone, you can double the range of this weapon.

CATALYST: If you hit an enemy within this extended range, you deal two additional damage dice.

Borealis: (Varies)

As a bonus action, you can change the element between Solar, Void, and Arc.

CATALYST: You can change the element as a free action.

D.A.R.C.I.: (Arc)

You can use a Bonus Action with this weapon to determine various details about a target. When you use this feature, choose ONE among the following: Vulnerabilities and Resistances, Maximum and Current Hitpoints, or three Ability Scores of your choice. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: If you use this bonus action on a target, your next attack with this weapon on that same target has Advantage.

Zen Meteor: (Solar)

Magazine Size: 4

If all four rounds in a single magazine hit without missing or reloading, a fifth round is instantly loaded. This round deals [3d12] damage.

CATALYST: The fifth round deals [4d12] damage instead.

Patience & Time: (Arc)

If you are prone and spend no movement on a turn, you can spend a bonus action to become Invisible. This invisibility is broken the moment you use movement. You can use this bonus action a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: This Invisibility is not broken if you move up to 10ft. while prone.

Still Hunt: (Solar)

When you score a hit with a Precise called hit, you gain 1 charge of Solar Light, to a maximum of 10. When you pick up an Orb of Power while you have this weapon equipped, you can forgo gaining Super Points and instead gain 2 charges for this weapon. When you have maximum stacks, you can use a bonus action to convert all of your shots into Golden Shots for the rest of the current magazine. This effect ends when your magazine reaches 0 or if it is reloaded by any means.

A Golden Shot deals twice the damage dice on a hit, or three times the damage dice when a Precise called shot hits.