Exotic Weapons


Divinity: (Arc)

On a hit, the target is marked. The next attack against the target has advantage, and deals an additional [1d6] Arc damage if the attack hits.

CATALYST: The additional Arc damage is [1d10].

Wavesplitter: (Void)

On a hit, roll a [1d4]. On a 1, you deal one less damage die. On a 2 or 3, you deal normal damage. On a 4, you deal an additional damage die.

CATALYST: You can roll [2d4], and pick between the two. If you pick up an Orb of Power on the same turn, you automatically treat the roll as a 4.

Prometheus Lens: (Solar)

On a hit where the dice roll is 18 or higher, the target takes one stack of Burn.

CATALYST: If the target is Burned, creatures of your choice within 5ft. of that target also take a stack of Burn.

Coldheart: (Arc)

This weapon has the Precise property.

CATALYST: Subsequent hits on the same target deal an additional damage die. This resets on a miss.

Microcosm: (Kinetic)

This weapon has the Power property. This weapon ignores shield resistance to Kinetic damage, and deals one additional damage die to shields.

CATALYST: Scoring a final blow with this weapon grants you an additional 5 Super Points.

Ager’s Scepter: (Stasis)

On a hit where the dice roll is 18 or higher, the target takes one stack of Chill.

CATALYST: If a hit target is already Chilled before your shot, creatures of your choice within 5ft. of the target also take one stack of Chill.

Ruinous Effigy: (Void)

Scoring a final blow with this weapon generates a Transmutation Sphere. This sphere can be picked up as a free action. Once picked up, the Sphere can be thrown as an action to a point you can see within 30ft., where it creates a 10ft. Explosion. All creatures of your choice must make a DEX Save or take [6d6] Void Damage. Once this weapon generates a Transmutation sphere, it cannot do so again until the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: Creatures that fail their SAVEs to the Transmutation Sphere are also Weakened.

The Nagivator: (Strand)

If you target an ally with this weapon, you both gain the weapon’s damage in Temporary Hitpoints. Once you use this feature, it cannot be used again for [1d4] days.

CATALYST: You can spend a full magazine to generate a Grapple Point within 60ft. of you. If you use your Grapple Grenade and target this Grapple Point, you get your Grenade charge refunded. Once the Grapple Point has been used in this way, it vanishes.