Exotic Weapons


The Huckleberry: (Kinetic)

This weapon has Accurized Rounds, Outlaw, and Rampage.

CATALYST: This weapon has the Lightweight Property.

Osteo Strigga: (Corruption)

On a hit, this weapon deals an additional [1d4] Corruption damage at the start of the target’s next turn.

CATALYST: The additional damage is a [1d6].

The Manticore: (Void)

When you score a final blow with this weapon, you gain a Manticore Charge, up to a maximum of 1. On your turn, you can spend a charge to increase your glide speed by 15ft., and perpetually hover, until the end of your next turn.

CATALYST: You can hold up to 3 Manticore charges. This weapon also has Icarus Grip.

Riskrunner: (Arc)

On a hit where the dice roll is 18 or higher, the target is also Jolted.

CATALYST: On a hit where the dice roll is 17 or higher, the target is Jolted.

Tarrabah: (Solar)

If you score a final blow with this weapon, your next Attack action makes one additional attack. You can benefit from this feature twice, and regain both uses at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: You can benefit from this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

Swiss Cheese: (Kinetic)

Magazine Size: 1

This weapon has the Special Property. When you attack with these dual-wielded SMGs, you fire a hail of bullets in a 15ft. cone. All creatures within the cone must make a DEX Save or take [12d4] damage, or half on a successful save.

CATALYST: The Cone is now 30ft.